List of fixed issues and improvements
Fixed filtering by Failed connector status not working on Integration view page
Fixed export of grid with aggregated column contains only repeated data from the first batch
Fixed image resizing has no quality limit and can lead to excessively large output file size
Fixed incorrect state for new created entity fields after schema migration
Fixed Redis bundle doesn't work correct with persistent connection and 0 index database
Updated developer documentation to remove inline JS code samples
Added support of the libicu65-65.1
Fixed AbstractMapper does not pass 0 values throughout if statement
Updated TinyMCE to >=4.9.11|>=5.4.1 version
Fixed Application reads cache_metadata.yml files in runtime
Updated Symfony to 4.4.13
Updated PrismJS to ~> 1.21.0 version
Fixed "Families" column rendering on the Product Attributes grid may be very slow
Improved performance: Preloading manager
Fixed GRANTS check in DbPrivilegesProvider breaks installation
Implemented Office365 OAuth Authentication
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