List of new features and improvements
Add placeholders to blank cells in back-office data grids (BAP-20846)
Back-office API for Search (BAP-12128)
Update JS libraries for maintenance branches (BAP-21005)
Create other status code for oro:install command (BAP-20923)
Use fonts preload to improve performance on UI (BAP-20399)
List of fixed issues
Client-Side JavaScript Prototype Pollution (BAP-21092) *
Unwanted script execution possible in email template preview (BAP-20848) *
"doctrine:mapping:convert" command corrupts Doctrine metadata cache (BAP-21072)
DraftSourceListener failed in "doctrine:mapping:convert" command (BAP-21058)
Issue with retrieving folders from Microsoft365 for email box with a large number of folders (BAP-21017)
Unable to build extend caches after injecting oro_importexport.serializer to console command (BAP-21003)
Acl and AclAncestor are ignored for invokable controllers (BAP-21000)
Disable IMAP folder from the sync can lead to huge process of emails clear and can lead to the fatal by memory limit (BAP-20989)
Error when updating CustomerUser email having workflow for this entity (BAP-20988)
Email contexts are lost after mailbox sync update from IMAP to Office 365 (BAP-20983)
The "meta" filter is added even if it is disabled for API resource (BAP-20958)
"include" usage in API request leads to config options ignore (BAP-20943)
OAuth2 Client Credentials token provide access based on Current Organization in user's UI (BAP-20937)
Unexpected HTML escaping of some symbols in CSV file for enum fields (BAP-20922)
Changes in only one of multiple multi-select attributes are recorded in change history (BAP-20920)
Redis lock critical errors in prod.log (BAP-20915)
Cannot run demo fixtures after clean install (BAP-20661)
Error updating lead phone number using inline editing in Leads grid (BAP-20560)
Deleted OneToMany attribute makes entity api unavailable (BAP-20467)
Widget resizes when an error flash message is displayed (BAP-20070)
Widget request loses parameters during request (BAP-19573)
Wrong rendering of translated labels (BAP-18542)
Slow performance on entity view with Activity List (BAP-14669)
You can’t perform that action at this time.