This is an Image sharing system based on a low level implmentation of UDP protocol that handles fragmentation and fault tollerance.
The project is Object Oriented through these classes:
- Message: class that represents the message entity that is used in message passing in the communication
- UDPSocket: the lowest level of the system that handles communcation on the UDP protocol level and that does fragmentation of messages. as a blackbox, it is a socket that sends a message passed to it and receives a message in the received messages queue.
- Peer: a higher level that represents the communicating entity which is the peer. it handles the RPC implmentation for the peer's operations.
- directoryServer: which represents another communicating entity that handles the directoryServer's operation.
- Image: represents the Image that is to be used on the system. it handles the steganogrophy of images, access management, formulation of all files related to the image.
- initializing socket:
replace {PORT_NUMBER} with an int representing the port number
UDPSocket sock; sock.initializeSocket({PORT_NUMBER});
- sending message
Message *msg = new Message(); //initialize msg and fill it if(sock.sendMessage(msg)){ //message added to the send queue successfully cout<<"Yaay"; }
- receiving message
Message *msg = sock.receiveMsg();//blocks until a message is ready to be received
- get socket info
string ip = sock.getMyIP(); int port = sock.getMyPort();
for using this class you need to know which actor are you:
- creator of a new image
- owner of an existing image(using it for editing)
- viewer of an image that is not owner by you
I am going to define code snippets for all test cases that may be required
Image image;//create an object //you have to set the username and imageId in the beginning because it is needed for naming schemes image.setownerUsername("user1");//required in order image.setImageId("image123");//required in order //you supply the object with the path of the image image.chooseImage(string(IMAGE_DIR)+"small.jpg");//required in order struct userProperty prop;//this struct represent the setting for each user for the image prop.user_name="osama"; prop.views=5; //access the properties of the image and edit as much as you want; //write the properties to the properties file image.writeProperties();//required in order //steganize the image image.steg();//required in order //whenever you need to remove all other files except the steganized image file, call removeMiddleFiles image.removeMiddleFiles();
Image image; //check if the image exists //findImage takes the username and imageId that are used for searching in the ImageDir if(!image.findImage("user1","image123")) //no Image Found
string imagestr;//string that holds the image Image image; //check if the image exists //writeImage takes the string of the image and the owner(not the user's) username and imageId that are used for searching in the ImageDir image.writeImage(imagestr,"user1","image123");
Common Operations
1 read and edit properties
// readTheProperties and fill the propertiesVector image.readProperties(); for(int i = 0;i<;i++) { if([i].user_name=="osama"&&[i].views>0)[i].views+=10; } //updates the properties file but does not steganize image.updateProperties();
2 get Image Paths
string path1 = image.getAuthorizedImagePath(); string path2 = image.getUnAuthorizedImagePath();
3 remove middle files
4 steganize && desteganize
image.steg(); image.desteg();
5 get stegImage in a string for sharing
string imageExtract = image.extractImage();
6 get the actual image's thumbnail in a string
image.desteg();//required in order string image64Extract = image.getSmallScaleImage();
it is base64_enoded twice so you need to decode it twice before writing to a file
- Initialization
Peer peer(1);//port number peer.setDS("",50);//the directoryService IP and port
- Powering the Status update thread
peer.startStatusUpdates("QisuAsSDAWeq126UhJS");//the token retreived after authentication
- Sample Functions
string token = peer.login("osama","123");//the username and password if(token=="not a user") cout<<"wrong username or password"<<endl; string token = peer.signup("osama","123");//the username and password if(token=="user already exists") cout<<"used username"<<endl; peer.addImageLocally("image123");//imageid peer.removeImageLocally("image123"); string response = getAllImagesFromPeer("myUsername","theTargetPeerUsername","",23);//the ip and port of the other peer if(response=="no photos") cout<<"no photos with that peer"; else{ vector<string> args; split(response,args,',');//you can copy the split function from the Peer.cpp class args[0];//the first encoded image received from the other peer }
Initialization in main
directoryServer ds(1);//directory server's port number
while(1);//keeps the ds running
remotley called by a peer. the DS validates the peer's credentials, returning a positive (token) or negative("not a user") reply based on the credentials sent. The permanent file containing the status of all users is updated.
remotley called by a peer. The DS logs the user with the token sent, updating the permanent file. Replys with either "ok" or "not a user".
Remotley called by a peer. Username is checked for duplication, reply is either "username already exists" or a new user is added and a token reply is sent back.
remotley called by a peer. Uploads a sample image and it's name. User is identified by a token. If successful, "ok" is the reply sent back.
Remotley called by a peer. The desired username is looked up, sending back the port and ip of the peer, allowing peers to communicate directly. If username does not exist "not a user" is the reply sent back.
Remotley called by a peer. Returns all the images, imagenames, and their corresponding usernames to the peer.
Processes the status of the peer. If a peer does not send a status update for "TIMEOUT" seconds, they are considered offline, updating the permaenent file.