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Durable Object Proxy (do-proxy)

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Simple interface for accessing Cloudflare Durable Objects' storage and class methods.

This library handles request building, fetching and responding behind the scenes via lightweight proxy object which provides interface for accessing DO instance's storage and class methods.


npm install do-proxy


  • Todo app utilizing storage and batch methods
  • Todo app extending DOProxy class and utilizing class methods

Usage briefly

Make your Durable Object class methods accessible by extending the DOProxy.

import { DOProxy } from 'do-proxy';
class MyDOClass extends DOProxy {
  // Arguments & return values have to be JSON serialiazable
  myClassMethod(param: string) {
    // Do what ever you would do inside DO

Inside your Worker's fetch method:

// Get `DurableObjectNamespace` wrapped inside our proxy
const MY_DO_BINDING = MyDOClass.wrap(env.MY_DO_BINDING);
// You can use the default namespace methods or shorthand methods `getByName` & `getById`
const stub = MY_DO_BINDING.getByName('name');

// You can access instance's storage methods
const res1 = await'my-store');
// You can also access your class's methods.
const res2 = await stub.class.myClassMethod('foo');

// Or handle both with a single fetch behind the scenes using `batch` method
const [res3, res4] = await stub.batch(() => ['my-store'),


You can use DOProxy as is for Durable Object bindings. This enables you to use storage methods.

Here we expect you to have DO class Todo bound to TODO inside wrangler.toml:

import { DOProxy } from 'do-proxy';
export { DOProxy as Todo };
export default {
  async fetch(req: Request, env: any) {
    const TODO = DOProxy.wrap(env.TODO);
    const stub = TODO.getByName('name');
    await'todo:1', 'has to be done');
    const list = Object.fromEntries(await;
    return Response.json(list);

Or you can extend it, which enables you to call class methods via class property:

import { DOProxy } from 'do-proxy';

class Todo extends DOProxy {
  state: DurableObjectState;
  constructor(state: DurableObjectState) {
    this.state = state;
  async add(todo: string) {
    const id = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);`todo:${id}`, todo);
    return id;

  async get(id: number) {
export default {
  async fetch(req: Request, env: any) {
    const stub = Todo.wrap(env.TODO).getByName('my-todos');
    const id = await stub.class.add('has to be done');
    const todo = await stub.class.get(id);
    return Response.json({
export { Todo };

You can also utilize the batch method which allows you to run multiple methods with one fetch request to DO instance:

// See previous example for `Todo` details
const [, , list] = await stub.batch(() => [
  stub.class.add('my todo'),
  stub.class.add('my other todo'),,

return Response.json(Object.fromEntries(list as Map<string, string>));

storage methods

DOProxy can be used as Durable Object class as is. It gives you access to Durable Object instance's Transactional storage API methods (excluding transaction which can't be proxied because of JSON serialization. See batch method).

Available methods:|put|delete|deleteAll|list|getAlarm|setAlarm|deleteAlarm|sync

batch method

If you need to invoke Durable Object instance's multiple times, DurableObjectStubProxy has a batch method which allows you to run multiple method calls inside one fetch request.

Method calls passed to batch will be run in sequence.

const COUNTER = Counter.wrap(env.Counter);
const stub = COUNTER.get(COUNTER.newUniqueId());

await stub.batch(() => [
]); // => [1, 2, null, 1]

static wrap(binding: DurableObjectNamespace): DurableObjectNamespaceProxy

This method return DurableObjectNamespace wrapped inside proxy. It has all the same methods that DurableObjectNamespace:

  • newUniqueId(options?: DurableObjectNamespaceNewUniqueIdOptions | undefined): DurableObjectId;
  • idFromName(name: string): DurableObjectId
  • idFromString(id: string): DurableObjectId
  • get(id: DurableObjectId): DurableObjectStubProxy

It also has some custom shorthand methods:

  • getByName(name: string): DurableObjectStubProxy: Shorthand for DO.get(DO.idFromName('foo'))
  • getByString(id: string): DurableObjectStubProxy: Shorthand for DO.get(DO.idFromString(hexId))

get Method returns DurableObjectStubProxy instead of DurableObjectStub.

DurableObjectStubProxy properties

  • id: DurableObjectId
  • stub: DurableObjectStub: The actual stub if you need access to it
  • storage: Object: Storage methods
  • batch: (callback: () => Promise<unknown>[]) => unknown[]
  • class: Object|undefined: All the class methods if wrap was called on an extended class


Remember that we are still doing fetch requests even if it is done in the background, so everything sent to class and storage methods must be JSON serializable.

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