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Training project to make javascript code easy to reason about


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Javascript code easy to reason about

A Training to understand how make reasonable javascript code. Start by cloning this repository and run npm i

Proposed Definition

Code easy to reason about :

  • Does not affect or mutate external state (ie : no side effects)
  • Does not rely on external state
  • Always return same output for a given input
  • Have up to date documentation


  • What make code easy to reason about ?
  • Why JS sometimes makes it hard to reason about ?
  • Different methodologies we can use to make JS easy to reason about !

What's this program's behavior ?

let pi = 3.14159;
function calculate(radii){
 for(let i = 0; i < radii.length; i++){
   radii[i] = pi * radii[i] * radii[i];
 return radii;


You can't rely on documentation like JSDoc : when code change you can't asume that documentation is up to date. If you write tests as documentation of your code and add them in your CI pipeline, when code change, if its covered specification change, you must update your test.

First iteration

We write a first test to describe our program.

Edit calculate.test.js :

test('area for [1]', () => {
  const radii = [1];
  const expectedResult = [3.14159 * 1 * 1];

run it

npm run test

It fail because we don't implement anything yet. So implement a first naive implementation

Edit calculate.js :

let pi = 3.14159;
export default function calculate(radii){
  return [pi];

re-run the test, it pass !

Second iteration

We want the test pass for a list of values, so we add a new test.

test('area for [1, 2]', () => {
  const radii = [1, 2];
  const expectedResult = [3.14159 * 1 * 1, 3.14159 * 2 * 2];

Test fails (⊙ _ ⊙) Don't worry add the implentation

let pi = 3.14159;
export default function calculate(radii){
  for(let i = 0; i < radii.length; i++){
    radii[i] = pi * radii[i] * radii[i];
  return radii;

Now test pass (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Third iteration

We want the function return always the same output given a same input. Add a new test :

test('result must always be the same', () => {
  const radii = [1, 2];
  const a = calculate(radii);
  expect(a).toEqual(calculate([1, 2]));

It fails (ಥ_ಥ) because our function mutate the input. We can fix it by creating a new variable inside the function

export default function calculate(radii){
  const areas = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < radii.length; i++){
    areas[i] = pi * radii[i] * radii[i];
  return areas;

Now test pass (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Fourth iteration

What if the function is call with an integer ? with a string in the array ? with undefined inside the array ? Add thoose tests :

test('call with an integer must throw a TypeError', () => {
  const radii = 1;
  // must be wrap in an anonymous function to be test
  expect(() => calculate(radii)).toThrowError(TypeError);

test('call with an string or undefined in array must throw a TypeError', () => {
  const radii = [1, 'foo', undefined];
  // must be wrap in an anonymous function to be test
  expect(() => calculate(radii)).toThrowError(TypeError);

As we expect it fails (ಠᴗಠ). And we will iterate to our function.

export function calculate(radii) {
  if (!Array.isArray(radii)) {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (typeof radius !== 'number') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  const areas = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < radii.length; i++){
    areas[i] = pi * radii[i] * radii[i];
  return areas;

Now test pass but it's time to a first refactoring.

We have better to use Arrays functionnal pragramming capacities. So we will use the map which apply a callback to each item of the array and return a new array :

export default function calculate(radii) {
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (typeof radius !== 'number') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array of numbers');
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Test is still passing and we optimized our implementation (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Just for fun new tests :

test('call with Infinity or NaN in array must throw a TypeError', () => {
  const radii = [1, Infinity, NaN];
  expect(() => calculate(radii)).toThrowError(TypeError);

(╥﹏╥) : language features

export function calculate(radii) {
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (typeof radius !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(radius) || !Number.isFinite(radius)) {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Now test pass : you made TDD to develop and document your function ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

At this moment, we can assume our tests are good enough documentation of our code... but is it safe enough ? What if another developer developer alter the code like this :

let pi = 3.14159;

export function calculate(radii) {
  pi = 3.14;
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (typeof radius !== 'number') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Problem of globals ! You can always put declare const pi = 3.14159; it will protect you of mutation because pi is a javascript primitive but not if it was an object. And it will never protect you against another developer who writes (variable visibility) :

const pi = 3.14159;

export function calculate(radii, pi=3.14) {
  if (!Array.isArray(radii)) {
    throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (typeof radius !== 'number') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array');
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Tests fail (╥﹏╥) we reach the limit of tests.

Does TDD make code easy to reason about ?

  • Does not affect or mutate external state (ie : no side effects) ✗
  • Does not rely on external state ✗
  • Always return same output for a given input ✓
  • Have kind of up to date documentation ✓

Type systems

Are related to type theory : yes maths ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In computer science, it is strongly linked to the programming language or framework. We speak about Dynamic vs Static (consensus) and Weak vs Strong (controversial) type systems. Because there is many definitions, I propose this one :

Strong Weak Static Dynamic
Generate a compile errors Unpredictable runtime errors Compiler tag piece of code Compiler / Interpreter generate code to keep track of data
Perform type check before code run without implicit conversion Try implicit conversion Tries to infer if the behaviour is valid
Well defined error set Before program run

OCaml, ReasonML, Rust or Haskell have strong and static type system.

C++, Go or Java have a weak and static type system.

Python, Ruby, Elixir or JS have a weak & dynamic type system ! Which mean errors appens on runtime and you can't assume a program works because it runs ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Don't give up : we're here because Javascipt is amaizing ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Using default values for parameters

A good practice in JS is to ALWAYS set default parameters in your functions.

export function calculate(radii = [1], pi = 3.14159) {
    radii.forEach(radius => {
        if (typeof radius !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(radius) || !Number.isFinite(radius)) {
            throw new TypeError('Argument must be an Array of numbers');
    const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
    return areas;

This practice has 2 benefits :

  • It serves as documentations for developers who modify your code : with default value you describe the shape of the parameters
  • In some IDE (like VSCode) you can have usefull helpers that infer type of your parameters

IDE helpers

Using a typechecker

If the first practice isn't enough in your context which means you don't trust that developers read documentation or use the right tools : you may add a type checker before runtime. That's the purpose of libraries like Flow.

To use it, first install flow and related babel-preset npm i -D flow-bin babel-preset-flow then add the preset "flow" in .babelrc (already done).

To initialize your project just do ./node_modules/.bin/flow init (already init)

We also added a script npm run flow to check status.

Now we can use it in our code :

// @flow
export default function calculate(
  radii: Array<number>,
  pi: number
): Array<number> {
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

If you're using VSCode, add "javascript.validate.enable": false to your user params to avoid error about types outside Typescript files.

The // @flow must be the first line of all file you want to typecheck. Declaration of the function means calculate take as parameter : radii an array of numbre, pi a number and the function return an array of number.

We don't need to throw type errors anymore because flow will do it before runtime. But we need to remove our unit tests. Specification change (we decide to use a type checker), documentation must be updated.

Flow have also a great inference systems which means that it can deduce the type of a variable from another or deduce type of object literals. It's diffrent from dynamic typing because variable will be statically type before the runtime so if you then assign a value of another type to the same variable flow will raise an error (so before runtime).


// @flow

const obj1: { foo: boolean } = { foo: true }; //works

const obj2 = {
  foo: 1,
  bar: true,
  baz: 'three'
const foo: number  =; // Works!
const bar: boolean =; // Works!
const inferbar: typeof =; // Works!
// $ExpectError
const baz: null    = obj2.baz; // Error!
const bat: string  = obj2.bat; // Error!

There is lot of other cool stuff in Flow and it may be a reasonable first step if you think you need a static type system.

Using another language that compile in Javascript

TypeScript, PureScript, Elm : lot of statically typed langs were design to compile in Javascript, some have have functionnal programming design
ReasonML : a statically typed & functionnal lang based on OCaml that compile in Javascript thanks to Bucklescript or js_of_caml but can also run native. Having all the power of OCaml, ReasonML is designed to be easy to learn for Javascript devs
Haskell : a statically typed & functionnal lang that compile in Javascript thanks to ghcjs but can also run native. Nim : a statically typed & multiple paradigms lang that compile to Javascript, but also C, C++ or webassembly.

It's another level that involve you to learn a new programming language so before dive inside be sure that's what you need.

During this training we will not explore this possibiliy. I advice you to read about and try ReasonML or Elm if you want go further in this topic.

So if you want to secure your code with typed props remember this order (but each step require to learn something new) :
Vanilla Javascript < Javascript with default props < Javascript with Flow < ReasonML

Does Type system make code easy to reason about ?

  • Does not affect or mutate external state (ie : no side effects) ✗
  • Does not rely on external state ✗
  • Always return same output for a given input ✗
  • Have kind of up to date documentation ✓


As we have seen before, there is no immutability in JS : const is an immutable reference not an immutable data (you can always alter the referenced data).

Immutable.js is a library made by Facebook that give you immutable data structures. A good point is that you get also more data structures.

To use immutable, install it npm i -S immutable@rc (immutable 4)

We can alter our first function usign List (immutable) instead of Array (mutable) to be sure calculate never alter radii :

import { List } from 'immutable';

export default function calculate(radii = List([1]), pi = 3.14159) {
  if (!List.isList(radii)) {
    throw new TypeError("Argument must be a List");
  radii.forEach(radius => {
    if (
      typeof radius !== "number" ||
      Number.isNaN(radius) ||
    ) {
      throw new TypeError("Argument must be an Array");
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Usage with flow :

// @flow
import { List } from "immutable";

export default function calculate(
  radii: List<number>,
  pi: number = 3.14159
): List<number> {
  const areas = => pi * radius * radius);
  return areas;

Because we're using flow, we can remove the 3 last unit tests (we will rely on type system instead of managing errors inside the function).

Other tests pass ... Weired ? We're our function return a List that we're testing against an Array ! That's because :

  • .toEqual performs a deep equal : this matcher recursively checks the equality of all fields, rather than checking for object identity
  • flow is a pre-processor, it doesn't check type at runtime

To make tests efficient, we need to add them to flow scope. So add // @flow on the first line of calculate.test.js

npm run flow

It fails because flow can't resolve type of Jest globals.

Install flow-typed

npm i -D flow-typed
# install jest types definitions
./node_modules/.bin/flow-typed install [email protected] 
# restart flow server
./node_modules/.bin/flow stop
./node_modules/.bin/flow start
# test
npm run flow

Now we need to update our tests :

// @flow
import { List } from "immutable";
import calculate from "../src/calculate";

test("area for [1]", () => {
  const radii = List([1]);
  const expectedResult = List([3.14159 * 1 * 1]);

test("area for [1, 2]", () => {
  const radii = List([1, 2]);
  const expectedResult = List([3.14159 * 1 * 1, 3.14159 * 2 * 2]);

test("result must always be the same", () => {
  const radii = List([1, 2]);
  const a = calculate(radii);
  expect(a).toEqual(calculate(List([1, 2])));

Good job TDD regressions avoid (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Another good point is now you have immutability it is easier and faster to compare datas. No more deepEqual required, just use the is()

// @flow
import { List, is } from "immutable";
import calculate from "../src/calculate";

test("area for [1]", () => {
  const radii = List([1]);
  const expectedResult = List([3.14159 * 1 * 1]);
  expect(is(calculate(radii), expectedResult)).toBe(true);

test("area for [1, 2]", () => {
  const radii = List([1, 2]);
  const expectedResult = List([3.14159 * 1 * 1, 3.14159 * 2 * 2]);
  expect(is(calculate(radii), expectedResult)).toBe(true);

test("result must always be the same", () => {
  const radii = List([1, 2]);
  const a = calculate(radii);
  expect(is(a, calculate(List([1, 2])))).toBe(true);

Easy “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

Does Immutability make code easy to reason about ?

  • Does not affect or mutate external state (ie : no side effects) ✓
  • Does not rely on external state ✗
  • Always return same output for a given input ✗
  • Have kind of up to date documentation ✗

Functionnal programming

Functionnal programming is a large topic, we will focus on two concept Pure function and composition

Pure function

A function is only pure if, given the same input, it will always produce the same output. A pure function produces no side effects, which means that it can’t alter any external state.Pure functions are completely independent of outside state, and as such, they are immune to entire classes of bugs that have to do with shared mutable state and easy to test.

Shared state is any variable, object, or memory space that exists in a shared scope, or as the property of an object being passed between scopes.

A good practice may be to write only pure function and delegate all side effects related to a shared state at the top level of your application.

Pure function + immutability = referential transparency The ability to change an expression with its value and not change the behavior of the program


In JS, you can compose your functions because functions are first class citizens :

  • Refer to them as constant or variable const foo = () => 'foo'
  • Pass them as parameters to other functions
  • Return them as result from other functions

So we can write High Order Function : any function which takes a function as an argument, returns a function, or both.

In fact we already replace the loop by a High Order Function when we replace the loop for by map function on our array. Map is a High Order Function.

Imagine we want also calculate diameters, HOF give us a way to parametrize our function :

// @flow
import  { List } from 'immutable';

const calculateArea = (radius:number, pi:number = 3.14) : number => pi * radius * radius;
const calculateDiameter = (radius:number, pi:number = 3.14) : number => 2 * pi * radius;

const actionOnList = (action:(radius:number, pi:number) => number, radii:List<number>) : List<number> =>;

We can use the same principe to define lot of new functions. This technique from functional programming is named partial application. Partially applying a function is a technique in which we prefill arguments to a function before it's even executed. Partial application of a function returns a new function with predefined arguments, one that we'll call later.

// @flow
import { List } from "immutable";

function area(radius: number, pi: number = 3.14159): number {
  return pi * radius * radius;
function diameter(radius: number, pi: number = 3.14159): number {
  return 2 * pi * radius;
function square(x: number): number {
  return x * x;
function double(x: number): number {
  return x * 2;
function negate(x: number): number {
  return -x;

const actionOnList = (action: Function, values: List<number>): List<number> => => action(v));

export const areas = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
  actionOnList(area, list);
export const diameters = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
  actionOnList(diameter, list);
export const doubles = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
  actionOnList(double, list);
export const squares = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
  actionOnList(square, list);
export const negates = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
  actionOnList(negate, list);

Having to use partial application everywhere gets verbose and tedious. Fortunately, Lambda calculus provides us with a solution: curry. Currying is another core concept in functional programming. Technically, a curried function is always a series of single-argument functions, which is what I was just complaining about. In pure functional languages like OCaml or Haskell, the syntax generally makes that look no different than calling a function with multiple arguments.

const curryActionOnList = (values: List<number>) => (action: Function) => => action(v));

export const areas = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
export const diameters = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
export const doubles = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
export const squares = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>
export const negates = (list: List<number>): List<number> =>

A curried function can be called with only a subset of its arguments, and it will return a new function that accepts the remaining arguments. If you call a curried function with all of its arguments, it will call just call the function.

Notice that to make curry work for us, we had to reverse the argument order. This is extremely common with functional programming

Does Functionnal programming make code easy to reason about ?

  • Does not affect or mutate external state (ie : no side effects) ✓
  • Does not rely on external state ✓
  • Always return same output for a given input ✓
  • Have kind of up to date documentation ✗

Reason a little bit more


Training project to make javascript code easy to reason about







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