Grayscale theme for EMACS
automatically generated using the golden ratio
Tao in MELPA.
M-x package-install tao-theme
or alternatively:
M-x package-install-file tao-theme
M-x load-theme tao-yin
M-x load-theme tao-yang
(defun tao-palette () (tao-theme-golden-grayscale-yin-palette))
then use tao-with-color-variables
like this:
(tao-with-color-variables tao-palette
hl-paren-colors (list color-14 color-11 color-9 color-7 color-6)
hl-paren-background-colors (list color-4 color-4 color-4 color-4 color-4))))
Here, for example powerline-tao-theme
Original concept, design and development by Peter ([email protected]). Additional packaging, development and assistance from @jasonm23/emacsfodder.