This project aims to provide resource for different communication models such as email, sms etc.
npm run production --prefix source /
terraform init terraform/build-image
terraform apply terraform/build-image
terraform init terraform/run-container
terraform apply terraform/run-container
npm run production --prefix source/
docker build -t communication-service .
sudo docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e MEMORY=1024 -e DATABASE_HOSTNAME='communication-db' -e DATABASE_POR=27017 -e DATABASE_USER='user' -e DATABASE_PASS='user' --name communication-service communication-service
-e MAILER_FROM='any@email'
-e MAILER_HOST='localhost'
-e MAILER_SECURE='false'
follow the link
Service responsible for sending emails.
"email":"[email protected]",
"variables": {
email: email address for shipping. variables: variables for replacement. id: template identifier.
Template data persists.
" name ":" communication ",
" template ":" <html> <head> <title> Document </title> </head> <body> <p> Hello {{name}}. </p> <p> Identification: {{id} } </p> </body> </html> "
name: The name of the project or assignee. template: Template html. {{}}: Variable interpolation
Search for a template.
" id ":" 5e1e2ef297369aec0f34429x "
id: template identifier.
Search for all templates.
Updates the template data.
" id ":" 5e1e2ef297369aec0f34429x ",
" name ":" communication ",
" template ":" <html> <head> <title> Document </title> </head> <body> <p> Hello {{name}}. </p> <p> Identification: {{id} } </p> </body> </html> "
id: template identifier. name: The name of the project or assignee. template: Template html. {{}}: Variable interpolation
Delete a template.
" id ":" 5e1e2ef297369aec0f34429x "
id: template identifier.