A lightweight Go wrapper around the p2pb2b api endpoints.
To Install:
go get -v https://github.com/Dylan-Phoon/go_p2pb2b
import (
func main() {
// These can be blank if you are not making protected requests
apiSecret := ""
apiKey := ""
ctx := context.Background()
client := p2pb2b.NewClient("https://api.p2pb2b.io", apiSecret, apiKey, ctx)
res, err := client.Markets()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Markets() error: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Markets() response: %+v", res)
Each method follows the standard convention;
func SomeRequest(SomeRequestParams) (*SomeRequestJsonRes, err)
Public Requests
Get markets info Usage;
var res *MarketsJsonRes = client.Markets()
type MarketsJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result []marketsResult {
Name string
Stock string
Money string
MoneyPrec string
StockPrec string
FeePrec string
MinAmount string
Get info for a specified ticker Usage;
params := TickerParams {
Symbol: "ETHBTC"
var res *TickerJsonRes = client.Ticker(params)
type TickerParams struct {
Symbol string
type TickerJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result tickerResult {
At int
Ticker struct {
Bid string
Ask string
Low string
High string
Last string
Vol string
Change string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get info for all tickers
var res *TickersJsonRes = client.Tickers()
type TickersJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result map[string]tickersResult {
At int
Ticker struct {
Bid string
Ask string
Low string
High string
Last string
Vol string
Change string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get info for an order book on a given ticker
params := OrderBookParams {
Market: "ETHBTC",
Side: "buy",
Offset: "0",
Limit: "100"
var res *OrderBookJsonRes = client.OrderBook(params)
type OrderBookParams struct {
Market string
Side string
Offset string
Limit string
type OrderBookJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result orderBookResult {
Offset uint64
Limit uint64
Total uint64
Orders []struct {
Id uint64
Left string
Market string
Amount string
Type string
Price string
Timestamp float64
Side string
DealFee string
TakerFee string
MakerFee string
DealStock string
DealMoney string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get the last n trades up until a given trade id for a given ticker
params := HistoryParams {
Market: "ETHBTC",
LastId: "1",
Limit: "100"
var res *HistoryJsonRes = client.History(params)
type HistoryParams struct {
Market string
LastId string
Limit string
type HistoryJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result []historyResult {
Id uint64
Type string
Time float64
Amount string
Price string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get the depth of an order book for a given ticker
params := DepthParams {
Market "ETHBTC"
Limit "100"
var res *DepthJsonRes = client.Depth(params)
type DepthParams struct {
Market string
Limit string
type DepthJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result depthResult {
Asks [][2]string
Bids [][2]string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get all of the products
var res *ProductsJsonRes = client.Products()
type ProductsJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result []productsResult {
Id string
FromSymbol string
ToSymbol string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64
Get all of the symbols
var res *SymbolJsonRes = client.Symbol()
type SymbolJsonRes struct {
Success bool
Message string
Result []string
CacheTime float64
CurrentTime float64