0.38 - LFGM integration & Higher Map Upload for Free users
New Features
Maps: free users can now upload 3 MB maps to their locations instead of the previous 1 MB limit.
LookingForGM.com integration: users who manage their game planning on LFGM can now link their calendar to their Kanka campaign. This adds a dashboard widget that will display the GM's upcoming events for that campaign. This is our first collaboration with another platform and we are super excited to build more cool things to make DMing and worldbuilding easier!
Json Exports: every entity can now be exported to the JSON format directly from the entity action bar. The PDF export has also been renamed to make it more clear that it is a PDF export. Behind the scenes, the json export uses the same code as the API.
New languages: Kanka is now available in three new languages. Croatian thanks to Blaze, Hebrew thanks to Beefpotato, and Russian thanks to Ilia!
Relations: added a new colour field to relations to help you quickly colour-code your relations. Also added a description for what the attitude field actually does. Lastly, added a better placeholder for the relation field.
Mentions: the entity type in the mentions modal is now shown in parentheses to make it clear where the entity is being mentioned.
Bulk Delete: added a confirmation message when trying to delete many entities at the same time.
Entry Field: added the details and summary html elements as valid. The id and class values are now also valid for img and a elements.
API: the url to a location's map is now the complete url rather than the internal, unsuable url.
Characters: you can now filter the characters list by organisation.
Google Docs Embeding: you can now embed google documents into the Entry field of entities, the same way Spofity and Youtube can be embeded.
Calendars: moons can now have a decimal resolution time. So if you want to mimic the earth's moon, set the full moon phase to 29.53 (note that this isn't exact and will cause differences with how our real moon phases).
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with Safari and iOS devices not being able to properly load images from our new image server.