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This project is a simple internet-connected open datalogging device that is geared towards mushroom growroom (or greenhouse) monitoring - the acquired measurements include temperature, relative humidity (%RH), and carbon dioxide concentration (ppm). The intended hardware platform is the ESP8266 WiFi chip running a customized build of Adafruit's CircuitPython firmware (a fork of the micropython project). Early prototypes have been based on Adafruit's Feather HUZZAH board, with an AM2315 - Encased I2C Temperature/Humidity Sensor, and a Winsen MH-Z14 or MH-Z19B NDIR CO2 sensor. The custom CircuitPython firmware has added software serial functionality to avoid compatibility issues with using the ESP8266's hardware UARTs (see this Micropython forum thread for more info). The node can be configured to send data packets into a data stream on a remote server. So far we have implemented sending HTTP GET requests with data as parameters to a Phant server. We have also prototyped live data visualization using the Google Charts API to plot data fetched from the Phant stream.

Device Firmware/Software Loading on Debian Linux/Ubuntu

Install required packages

sudo apt-get install screen python-pip python-serial
sudo pip install adafruit-ampy esptool --upgrade


Make the needed edits to the SECRET_CONIFG_dummy.json file and save as SECRET_CONFIG.json.

network settings

"network_setup" : {
        "debug"        : false,
        "ap_if_active" : false,
        "ap_essid"     : "mycopython-ap",
        "sta_if_active": true,
        "connections": [["your_wifi_essid","your_wifi_password"]],

At the moment the implementation is limited to only one network in the connections list, future enhancements will allow trying addition options in sequence until a connection is made. Setting "ap_if_active": true will active the node's wireless access point, which may be useful for debugging purposes when a wireless LAN is not availble; however, this access point could be a security risk, so it should be disabled during deployment.

time manager settings

"time_manager" : {
        "debug"      : false,
        "host"       : "",
        "port"       : 123,

This configures the NTP service for synchronizing the real time clock. Default settings should work in most cases.

data stream settings

"data_stream" : {
        "debug"      : false,
        "host"       : "",
        "port"       : 80,
        "public_key" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "private_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

The default "host" ( is for development purposed and has limitations; it should be changed if you plan to set up your own Phant or compatible server. When a new stream is created the public and private keys are given out. NOTE: you should never keep the "private_key" in public version control repos (like this github repo) which would enable anyone to inject bogus data packets.

datalogger_app settings

"datalogger_app" : { "debug" : 0, "sample_interval" : 60, "tz_hour_shift" : -5, } These setting affect the main data acquisition loop: "sample_interval" is in seconds; "tz_hour_shift" sets the local hour relative to UTC; and "debug" has three levels -- 0 basic reporting and error messages available in REPL, 1 verbose debugging infomation and logging of errors to error_log.txt file (run import dump_logs in REPL to view); 2 same as 1 but exceptions will halt the application and dump traceback to REPL.

Flash the CircuitPython firmware

Plug the device into any available USB port on your computer. Run the shell script ./, either with sudo prepended or adding the user account to the dialout group (for /dev/tty* read/write permissions).
Alternatively, these commands can be run with the proper parameters: -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 erase_flash -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 firmware-combined.bin

Install the micropython application files

Run ./ with the proper permissions. Or, alternatively:

ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put SECRET_CONFIG.json
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put
ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 put

Test the system in the REPL

Run the shell script ./, either with sudo prepended or adding the user account to the dialout group (for /dev/tty* read/write permissions). Alternatively, you can run this command run with the proper parameters:

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Use the key-stroke <ctrl-c> to halt the running code and enter into the REPL. Here is an example session that checks the filesystem - on a fresh installation you should see similar output when you enter the same commands:

Adafruit CircuitPython v1.8.5-20161020-563-g4ae191a on 2017-01-18; ESP module with ESP8266
>>> import os
>>> os.listdir()
['', 'SECRET_CONFIG.json', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
>>> import dump_logs
# Dumping data chat file 'error_log.txt'
# Dumping data cache file 'data_cache.csv'

Finally, use the keystroke <ctrl-d> to soft reboot the application. Avoid pressing any keys and in 5 seconds the datalogger_app should start up; below is example output:

PYB: soft reboot
#6 ets_task(40100164, 3, 3fff850c, 4)
WebREPL is not configured, run 'import webrepl_setup'
Waiting for connection on UART 0...timed out.
Loading datalogger_app
Configuring network settings:
        STA_IF active = True
        Attempting to connect to essid = 'dolphnet'
        WLAN is connected!
        network_config: ('', '', '', '')
        AP_IF active = False
(2017, 1, 30, 0, 6, 6, 4, 0)
# 01:06:04
  - Data to be logged:
        rtc_timestamp: 2017-01-30T06:06:04
        local_hour: 1
        humid: 23.2
        temp: 20.39999
        co2_ppm: 400
  - Data Stream Server response: 1 success

# 01:07:04
  - Data to be logged:
        rtc_timestamp: 2017-01-30T06:07:04
        local_hour: 1
        humid: 23.2
        temp: 20.39999
        co2_ppm: 400
  - Data Stream Server response: 1 success

Check to see if your data stream has new points being added. The device can now be unplugged from your computer and plugged into a USB wall power supply. The onboard LED will flash for 1 sec once when data is being sampled at the start of each cycle.


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