filmwebProject is the final project for coders's lab workshops. It consists of three parts:
- The parser of database based on open mobile API.
- RestAPI using JSON
- Deployment on the mobile server running linux (I used Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, resulting in compact :), waterproof (not really), battery powered server.
The parser is based on the abandoned project by b44x. It used filmweb mobile API available for logged user. I've adjusted the request content for this project and mapped response to SQL tables using Doctrine's DBAL. The film database is not available on github, however you can get your own :). The parser can be used both from bash or from web-browser of your choice (I recommend Firefox).
Firstly, you want to execute the following:
$ git clone
$ cd filmwebProject
$ composer install
After the packages are ready, go to app/config/parameters.yml and set the following parameters:
database_port: null
database_name: dbToStoreMovies
database_user: user
database_password: password
Then visit and create free account and add the login credentials to parameters.yml as two extra lines:
filmweb_login: yourLogin
filmweb_pass: yourPass
Great, three things left. If you're going to use the parser from web-browser e.g Firefox, chances are your connection might be killed after few minutes due to the browser and server settings. In order to prevent this (please note you might need to adjust user access to conf files to edit them):
- in Firefox, go to about:config address and change http.response.timeout to some large number like 60000
- in server configuration file (path for Apache) Config\Apache\extra\httpd-default.conf set Timeout 60000
- in PHP.ini file Config\Php\php.ini set max_execution_time = 60000
It's really simple. Firstly, generate the tables and dependencies by running schema update and check the validation just in case:
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:validate
Now everything you need to do is to visit the following address:
Where the enclosed variables are the filmIDs from the 0 to ~900 000 range.
The parser efficiency reaches about 20 records a second when reconfigured to store images as hardlinks inserted to SQL table or about 2-3 records when it's set to save the image on hard drive. Please note that complete database needs about 100GB of storage (1% SQL data, 99% images).
Currently the API offers only one endpoint available at available at /getFilm/films.{_format} which responds with the complete data of searched movie.
RestAPI example call:
minYear: 1970,
maxYear: 2017,
minRating: 7,
maxRating: 10,
minVotes: 10000
filmGenre: ""
Example response:
coverSrc : "nopicture.gif"
filmCountry : Array(1)
0 : "USA"
length : 1
filmDesc : "Description."
filmDirector : Array(1)
0 : "Richard Linklater"
length : 1
filmEnTitle : "A Scanner Darkly"
filmGenre : Array(3)
0 : "Thriller"
1 : "Animacja"
2 : "Sci-Fi"
length : 3
filmPlTitle : "Przez ciemne zwierciadło"
filmRating : 7.2
filmReview : "Review"
filmScreenwriter : Array(1)
0 : "Richard Linklater"
length : 1
filmYear: 2006
The variables are self-explanatory. The list of valid filmGenre parameters can be found in the js.js file.
I describe the process of deployment a LAMP stack on an Android phone in a 2-part article, which can be found on my blog:
Given the application will run on a Snapdragon, performance seemed to be an issue even during development, when working on a database of 1/10th the final size. Query was improved in three iterations - from total disaster to an acceptable result.
It turns out filmweb's database contains lots of movies with no data (votes, description, genres etc.) plus, surprisingly, also computer games. I got rid of those by running few simple queries.
As a result database lost ~60% of its results, creating gaps which meant it was no longer possible to choose film by random in the easy way i.e.
The simplest turnaround for dev was to fetch all movies and then pick one by random
$films = $em->getRepository('SqlSetupBundle:Film')->findAll();
$film = $films[rand(0, count($films)];
The query took over 5 seconds on i7 Core to execute and way beyond 500MB of RAM - duh.
I opted to use native SQL query, with the standardized rand() function. I also added WHERE clauses for AJAX calls on button click:
FROM film AS f1
JOIN film_genre fg on fg.film_id =
JOIN genre g on fg.genre_id =
WHERE g.Name = COALESCE(NULLIF(:filmGenre, ''), g.Name)
AND Rating >= :minRating
AND Rating <= :maxRating
AND Year >= :minYear
AND Year <= :maxYear
AND Votes <= :maxVotes
AND Votes >= :minVotes
1.95s to execute, a bit better, but still unacceptable. Also rather than adding another IF statement in php, I reached out for the optional parameter construct
WHERE g.Name = COALESCE(NULLIF(:filmGenre, ''), g.Name)
The poor performance of this built-in feature lies in table scan necessary to order by random values. It cannot be turned into binary search (indexed) and capitalize the O(log n) complexity, ending up with linear complexity O(n).
There are many approaches on how to optimize such query. One of the more popular solution is to use a query like (in this case we order by indexed column and use rand() only to generate one input):
FROM random AS r1 JOIN
FROM random)) AS id)
AS r2
However, there are two issues with that:
- It doesn't work when you have gaps in the table
- It can seldomly return empty result after adding filtering WHERE clause (a case where the selected MAX(ID) does not meet the filtering criteria from the outer query) even when table has no gaps.
Ok, let's fine-tune it. Firstly, I've created another column with sequential number, to get rid of gaps.
SELECT @seqnum:=0;
UPDATE film SET seqnum = @seqnum:=@seqnum+1;
The final step was to write a query in such a way that it won't ever return empty results, while remaining efficient.
Here it is:
SELECT f1.seqnum
FROM film f1
JOIN film_genre fg on fg.film_id =
JOIN genre g on fg.genre_id =
(SELECT MAX(seqnum)
SELECT f3.seqnum
FROM film f3
JOIN film_genre fg2 on fg2.film_id =
JOIN genre g2 on fg2.genre_id =
WHERE g2.Name = COALESCE(NULLIF(:filmGenre, ''), g2.Name)
AND f3.Rating >= :minRating
AND f3.Rating <= :maxRating
AND f3.Year >= :minYear
AND f3.Year <= :maxYear
AND f3.Votes >= :minVotes
AND f3.Votes <= :maxVotes
) maxfilmseq)) AS seqnum) AS f2
WHERE f1.seqnum >= f2.seqnum
AND g.Name = COALESCE(NULLIF(:filmGenre, ''), g.Name)
AND f1.Rating >= :minRating
AND f1.Rating <= :maxRating
AND f1.Year >= :minYear
AND f1.Year <= :maxYear
AND f1.Votes >= :minVotes
AND f1.Votes <= :maxVotes
ORDER BY f1.seqnum ASC
0.04s on average, way better plus thanks to using double filters this won't return empty set. The random distribution is not great when dealing with a small sample (<10), but acceptable.
If you come thus far, thanks for reading! :)