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Channel Distributor

Make golang channel be able to be subscribed with multiple subscribers.

It uses generic so Go1.18+ needed.


Go channel applys only one subscriber at once. chdist implements pub-sub model of go channel, so it can be used like a small message queue system. Also, chdist provides sync and async method both. This system can be used just like handling a normal channel.


Distributor is a publisher. The constructor of Distributor receives generic type and a channel (whose type is given generic type) to generate an instance, and it can be subscribed as sync or async.

channel := make(chan int)
distributor := chdist.NewDistributor[int](channel)

You can publish using the channel and the distributor both.

channel <- 5
// or
distributor.In() <- 5

Multiple subscribing is possible.

// sync
distributor.Subscribe(func(value int) {

// async
for value := range distributor.AsyncSubscribe.Out() {

And it can be closed by using Close().



When a distributor is subscribed, it returns a Subscription instance. This can be closed, health-checked, or something else with its methods.

subscription := distributor.Subscribe(func(value int) { /* logics */ })
if subscription.IsAlive() {

AsyncSubscription can be used like a common channel.

asyncSubscription := distributor.AsyncSubscribe()


JsonDistributor can handle JSON data. This receives a type of the JSON data will be after unmarshaled.

It applys string and []byte type of JSON data, each of them can be generated by NewJsonStringDistributor and NewJsonBytesDistributor.

It uses encoding/json package to unmarshal which can occur an error, so JsonDistributor uses a struct Item representing both value and error.

type Item[T any] struct {
	Value T
	Error error

JsonStringDistributor's constructor receives string type Distributor and JsonBytesDistributor's receives []byte type Distributor.

type Sample struct {
    Num int `json:"num"`

channel := make(chan string)

jsonStringDistributor := chdist.NewJsonStringDistributor[Sample](

go func() {
    for {
        channel <- `{"num":123}`
        time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)

jsonStringDistributor.Subscribe(func(item chdist.Item[Sample]) {
    fmt.Println(item.Value) // type of `Sample`
    fmt.Println(item.Error) // if error occured while unmarshaling, it goes to

How to use

go get
import ""