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1.0.0 Release Candidate 1

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@jtlan jtlan released this 18 May 19:37
· 3407 commits to master since this release


Why 1.0.0?

There are a number of known issues in the Plottable API that require breaking backwards compatibility to fix. That means there are a number of backwards-incompatible changes in this release. We are working hard to remedy these problems, and get the API in a state that will allow us to maintain backwards compatibility for all releases after v1.0.0.

To provide the best experience to our users, we are rolling out incremental release candidate releases to allow for pre-integration testing. These release candidates are not meant for production, but are meant as testing resources.

Theme of the 1.0.0-rc series

Because of the breaking changes between v0.54.0 and v1.0.0, our goal is that these release candidates will help make the upgrade as smooth as possible for you all, by allowing you to test early, and often.

Please test with these release candidates and make sure you're able to migrate to the new feature set without losing functionality. If you encounter any issues, please file issues here.

A description of the major changes is below. Full instructions on migrating from v0.54.0 to v1.0.0 will be kept updated in our Upgrading to 1.0.0 Guide

Major changes

Replacing project()

project() previously performed a lot of magic in the background. For example, calling

plot.project("fill", function(d) { return "red"; });

would set the "fill" attribute in the DOM to "red", but calling

plot.project("x", ...);

set a variety of DOM attributes depending on what kind of Plot was used.
Furthermore, if the second argument to project() was a string, it would automatically be used as a key into the data (unless the string began with "#"...), meaning that .project("fill", "red") didn't do what might be expected.

We have decided to remedy this by splitting the functionality of project() into different functions.

Using attr() to set attributes

attr() previously existed as an alias for project(). Now, it directly sets DOM attributes to the results of an Accessor and a Scale:

attr(attr: string, attrValue: number | string | Accessor<number> | Accessor<string>): Plot;
attr<A>(attr: string, attrValue: A | Accessor<A>, scale: Scale<A, number | string>): Plot;

Example invocations:

  • plot.attr("stroke-width", 2);
  • plot.attr("fill", "pink");
  • plot.attr("fill", function(d) { return d.value >= 0 ? "green" : "red"; });
  • plot.attr("stroke", function(d) { return d.type; }, colorScale);

The Scale must be passed as the third argument for it to autoDomain() over the data passing through it.

attr() can also be invoked at as a getter that returns the Accessor-Scale binding for a particular attribute:

interface AccessorScaleBinding {
  accessor: Accessor;
  scale?: Scale;

Property setters

There are now methods for setting Plot properties that are not actual DOM attributes. These have a similar signature to attr(), taking in an Accessor function and a Scale. An Accessor has this signature:

interface Accessor<T> {
  (datum: any, index: number, dataset: Dataset, plotMetadata: Plots.PlotMetadata): T;

Note that the third argument is now the Dataset, rather than just the metadata() from the Dataset.

Here's an example property setter:

x(x: number | Accessor<number>): XYPlot<X, Y>;
x(x: X | Accessor<X>, xScale: Scale<X, number>): XYPlot<X, Y>;

x() is used to set the "x" property on an XYPlot: the previous invocation would have been something like project("x", function(d) { return d.x; }, xScale). Now, instead:

plot.x(function(d) { return d.x; }, xScale);

Here is the list of property setters:

  • All XYPlots: x() and y()
  • Plots.Area: y0
  • Plots.Grid: x2() and y2()
  • Plots.Pie: innerRadius(), outerRadius(), and sectorValue()
  • Plots.Scatter: size() and symbol()

Methods and Fields Renamed

A number of methods and protected fields have changed. These are documented in the upgrading guide:


  • Interaction.PanZoom now works well when attaching a Scale.ModifiedLog to it.
  • Registering Interaction.PanZoom before the plot has rendered does not break.
  • If you were previously using a Scales.Color inside an Accessor:
plot.project("fill", function(d) { return colorScale.scale(d.type); });

The Scale's domain would have expanded to cover all the data, which was an error. Scales must be passed as the third argument to attr() (or the second argument to the property setters) for the Scale to autoDomain() over all the data. Instead, do this:

plot.attr("fill", function(d) { return d.type; }, colorScale);