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Releases: palantir/plottable

CategoryAxis bugfixes

06 Jun 20:40
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CategoryAxis bugfixes Pre-release

Fix two bugs with Plottable.Axis.Category:

  • #519 Where the axis left some blank space between the Plot and the Axis in certain situations. Fixed by temporarily disabling vertical text orientation, pending a better implementation
  • #524 Where the axis would break if its data was changed

Also added a requestAnimationFrame polyfill for IE, and fixed skipped/failing unit tests in FF / phantomjs.

Fix the d.ts file

05 Jun 19:01
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Fix the d.ts file Pre-release

The plottable.d.ts file was broken by an errant brace. It is now fixed.

Reorganized API

05 Jun 00:52
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Reorganized API Pre-release

We have reorganized Plottable's API and module system to be better organized from the perspective of an API consumer. It will also scale better as the library grows.
However, every single use of Plottable anywhere is now broken. Sorry!

The new module system is as outlined below. (Before, all classes and submodules were attached to the top-level Plottable module.)

  - Abstract
    * Axis
    * BarPlot
    * Broadcaster
    * Component
    * ComponentContainer
    * Interaction
    * Plot
    * PlottableObject
    * QuantitiveScale
    * Scale
    * XYPlot

  - Axis
    * Category
    * XAxis (to be deprecated)
    * YAxis (to be deprecated)
    * Axis  (to be deprecated)

  - Component
    * AxisLabel
    * Gridlines
    * Group
    * Legend
    * Table
    * TitleLabel
    * ToggleLegend

  * DataSource

  - Interaction
    * Click
    * Drag
    * DragBox
    * Key
    * Mousemove
    * PanZoom
    * XDragBox
    * XYDragBox

  - Plot
    * Area
    * VerticalBar 
    * Grid
    * HorizontalBar
    * Line
    * Scatter

  - Scale
    * Color
    * InterpolatedColor
    * Linear
    * Log
    * Ordinal
    * Time

  - Singleton
    * KeyEventListener
    * RenderController

  - Template
    * StandardChart

  - Util
    - Axis
    - DOM
    * IDCounter
    - Methods
    - OpenSource
    * ScaleDomainCoordinator
    * StrictEqualityAssociativeArray
    - Text
    - WordWrap

Togglable Legend, line on AreaRenderer

04 Jun 04:39
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"What if I want to call callback() to get the callback back?"

Good evening,

New features! Togglable Legend:
screen shot 2014-06-03 at 9 26 22 pm
Instantiate using new Plottable.ToggleLegend(). You can supply a callback that gets called when a legend item is clicked. Please see quicktests/legendToggle-quicktest.html for an example.

In addition, AreaRenderer can now draw a line above the shaded area:
screen shot 2014-06-03 at 9 28 19 pm
Set the stroke by calling project("stroke", function() { return COLOR; })

IMPORTANT! The next release will feature a major re-arranging of the Plottable module space (almost certainly breaking all uses of the current API). You have been warned.

Fixed TimeScale, refactored DragZoomInteraction

03 Jun 00:52
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Plottable.TimeScale has been fixed. PadDomain no longer causes it to be set to invalid dates.
The Drag Zoom Callback Generator is now attached to the DragInteraction rather than living in global namespace.

Category Axes

02 Jun 19:05
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Category Axes Pre-release

This release introduces Plottable.CategoryAxis, an auto-sizing category axis with word wrapping.

Pics or it didn't happen:


Adjusted Animation Timings

30 May 23:58
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Animations have been adjusted to use exponential ease-out now.

Correcting version number.

28 May 18:53
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Release version 0.13.6

Create zipped release package

28 May 09:21
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We now generate a archive with compiled & minified source, for easier distribution

Minor Improvements + Bugfixes

28 May 02:05
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This release has a number of minor improvements:

  • The datasource on a Renderer can now be changed.
  • BarRenderers now behave properly when given non-unique values
  • Axis positioning updates proplery (#420)
  • The API surface area has been cleaned and reduced (#447)
  • OrdinalScales broadcast when rangeType changes
  • Axes have default orientations (#204)
  • The bower.json file has been improved (#467)
  • The RenderController now exposes a method called flush() which flushes the queue and synchronously renders everything
  • The Component.resize call now actually resizes the SVG
  • Table._removeComponent is now implemented