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Releases: palantir/plottable

Add Drag Box Selection Interactions

29 Apr 20:19
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Merge pull request #362 from palantir/refactor-drag-interaction

Refactor drag interaction

API hooks for animations

29 Apr 17:50
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Add in an API hook on the Renderer to toggle animation, Renderer.animate.
Have animation default to disabled on all renderers.

AreaRenderer, Relative Date Axis, BarRenderer

18 Apr 21:27
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Good afternoon;

New features have arrived:

  • AreaRenderer draws a line and fills in the area under it. The shape of the baseline can be set to another line, allowing stacking of AreaRenderers.
  • generateRelativeDateFormatter() creates a formatter for an axis that displays ticks in terms of fixed time increments from a start date, for example, "days since the start of the project"

In addition, BarRenderer and CategoryBarRenderer have been merged into BarRenderer, which can now take any type of Scale as the x-scale. By default, the bars are left-aligned with the x-value assigned to the bar; the bar alignment can be set on the renderer via barAlignment().

Projectors, Smart Scales, DataSources, GridRenderer, Interpolating Color Scale

16 Apr 01:26
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  • Added Renderer.project - a single API for setting attributes across all types of renderers.
  • Scales are now smarter - they keep track of the data and accessors that back them, so they can autoDomain intelligently
  • DataSource is now a model object that keeps track of data backing Plottable.Renderers. It supports event propagation to update renderers when data changes.
  • GridRenderer is now implemented, along with interpolating color scales to back them.

Category Bar Renderer and Ordinal Scale

29 Mar 00:43
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Good evening!

OrdinalScale has been added. These map an array of values (usually strings) over a numerical range, evenly-distributed.

CategoryRenderer and CategoryBarRenderer have been added. CategoryRenderer represents renderers that have a category x-axis and numeric y-axis. CategoryBarRenderer is a bar renderer with a category x-axis.

StandardChart, Smarter Accessors, Cool Demos

27 Mar 23:00
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  1. Cool new demo, the commit chart!
  2. Things are styled better! Borders are gone!
  3. We have a StandardChart template for easy charting!
  4. Accessors now mimic d3 accessor behavior.

Include built files and version number

18 Mar 01:20
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Corrected version number.

Gridlines, ComponentMerges, smaller API

18 Mar 01:16
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We implemented Gridlines.
We implemented Component.merge as an easy way of creating ComponentGroups.
Also, we protected anchor, computeLayout, and render to make the API smaller. From the point forward use renderTo(<svg>) instead.

Dataset Metadata, Better Axes, More Powerful Accessors

14 Mar 22:49
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  • IDataset now includes an IMetadata field, which includes the css class, color, and any other data that might be series-wide (bar renderer bar width, etc).
  • In conjunction with the previous change, dataset accessors (IAccessors) are now more powerful, taking in a single datum, the datum's index, and also dataset-wide metadata. This allows, for example, the use of color scales to set series colors.
  • Renderers now also take in a colorAccessor, which can be used to vary the color of rendered elements (for example, to implement color scales on a scatterplot).
  • Axis now hides tick labels that would land outside the bounding box, rather than cutting them off.
  • Axis also now has the ability to position tick labels relative to the tick mark (left/right/center for XAxis and top/middle/bottom for YAxis)
  • plottable.d.ts no longer shows private variables. Previously, they were shown with an implicit type.

Fix #160, ComponentGroup positioning

12 Mar 00:52
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Fix a nasty bug where ComponentGroups would misposition their subcomponents.