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A docker CA server based on Openssl and Alpine. Below 20 Mb. With CRL, OCSP and HTTP. GNS3 ready.


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An image certificate authority server based on Openssl and Alpine, for creating and managing certificates. Light server, below 20 Mb. Including CRL, OCSP and HTTP server. GNS3 ready.

The /data folder is persistent.

Simple usage

docker run -dt --name mycert \
  -e TZ=America/Cayenne -e Y_IP_CHECK_PUBLIC=yes -e Y_TEST_CLIENT_CREATE=yes -e Y_HTTP_SHARE_CERT=yes \
  -e Y_HTTP_PORT=8091 -e Y_HTTP_PORT_SECURE=8092 -e Y_OCSP_PORT=8093 -p 8091-8093:8091-8093 \


# Show the management actions :
docker exec -it mycert yee

# Show the log :
docker logs mycert

# Get the ip adress and open a web browser : http://IP:8091 or https://IP:8092
# the certificate files will be displayed, and available for download.


  • Check CRL and OCSP on Windows
:: download the CA
curl -o %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\cacert.crt http://IP:8091/cacert.crt

:: import the CA
explorer %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\cacert.crt
:: or in admin : certutil -f -addstore root %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\cacert.crt

:: GUI, click "Retrieve"
certutil -URL http://IP:8091/crl

:: CLI, should display at the end : "Leaf certificate revocation check passed"
certutil -f –urlfetch -verify "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\tux1-cert.crt"

:: View CRL and OCSP cache
certutil -urlcache *

:: Clear CRL and OCSP cache
certutil -urlcache * delete
:: In admin : certutil -setreg chain\ChainCacheResyncFiletime @now

:: Check errors in Windows Event Viewer : Custom > Administrative Events
  • Import p12 on Windows
certutil -f -user -enterprise -p 1234 -importpfx "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\tux1-cert.p12"
  • Show a base64 certificate in the terminal, eg: tux1 :
docker exec -it mycert yee --action=pem --prefix=tux1
  • Browse the ssl folder from the host :
# sudo is required
ls $(docker inspect mycert -f '{{range .Mounts}}{{ if eq .Type "volume" }}{{println .Source }}{{ end }}{{end}}')/ssl
  • Add a client certificate, with a filename prefix : tux2
# connect to the container
docker exec -it mycert sh 

# use the management script
yee --action=add \
  --prefix=tux2 \
  --cn=pc2.test.lan \
  --password=1234 \
  --revo=yes \

# To leave, type : exit, or use the escape sequence : Ctrl+P and next Ctrl+Q
  • Use your host Let's Encrypt certificates for HTTPS on 8443 port
docker run -dt --name mycert \
  -e TZ=America/Montreal -e Y_IP_CHECK_PUBLIC=yes -e Y_HTTP_SHARE_CERT=yes \
  -e Y_HTTP_PORT_SECURE=8443 -p 8443:8443 \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem:/data/fullchain.pem \
  -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/privkey.pem:/data/privkey.pem \


To run through GNS3, download and import the appliance : ye3cert.gns3a

Environment Variables

These are the env variables and their default values.

variables format default description
TZ text Europe/Paris Time zone. The list is in the folder /usr/share/zoneinfo
Y_LANGUAGE text fr_FR Language. The list is in the folder /i18n/
Y_DEBUG yes/no no yes, to show more messages
Y_IP IP address if not set, will attempt to detect and use the public ip address otherwise the first local ip address Server IP address
Y_IP_CHECK_PUBLIC yes/no no yes, to retrieve the public IP
Y_IP_CHECK_URL url Url that curl will use to retrieve the public IP
Y_IP_CHECK_URL_TIMEOUT integer 5 this is the -m option in curl : Maximum time allowed, in second
Y_CRED_EXPORT path /data/ssl/cred path to the file where the certificate passwords are saved
Y_HTTP yes/no yes yes, enable http/https server
Y_HTTP_SHARE_CERT yes/no no yes, to show certs files in the http server directory listing
Y_HTTP_SHARE_FOLDER folder path /data/ssl/www http server directory listing path
Y_HTTP_PORT port number 80 http port
Y_HTTP_PORT_SECURE port number 443 https port
Y_CRL yes/no yes yes, to enable CRL update service
Y_CRL_CROND text */15 * * * * scheduling, with crontab syntax
Y_CRL_SEC_NEXT integer 2678400 openssl-ca -crlsec parameter : The number of seconds before the next CRL is due
Y_OCSP yes/no yes yes, to enable OCSP service
Y_OCSP_PORT port number 8080 OCSP port
Y_KEY_SIZE integer 2048 private key size
Y_DAYS number 3650 CA, How long to certify for
Y_DAYS_CLIENT number 365 Client, how long to certify for
Y_KEY_USAGE text "nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment" Key usage for a client certificate
Y_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE text "serverAuth, clientAuth" Extended key usage for a client certificate
Y_CA_PASS password ca The password to use for the ca key
Y_DNS url address if not set, will use the external domain, or hostname The server domain address
Y_CN text if not set, will use Y_IP The server common name
Y_COUNTRY_NAME Two letter country code FR The server country name, 2 letter code
Y_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME text Ile-de-France The server state or province name
Y_LOCALITY_NAME text Paris The server locality name
Y_ORGANIZATION_NAME text Test The server Organization Name
Y_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME text Web The server organizational unit name
Y_EMAIL_ADDRESS email address [email protected] The server email address
Y_RANDOM_CLIENT integer Number of random client to create
Y_RANDOM_CLIENT_REVO yes/no yes Random client, yes, to include the revocation URL in the certificate
Y_RANDOM_CLIENT_DAYS integer 731 Random client, How long to certify for
Y_TEST_CLIENT_CREATE yes/no no Test client, yes, to create a test client
Y_TEST_CLIENT_PREFIX filename tux1 Test client, filename prefix, result: (prefix-cert.pem)
Y_TEST_CLIENT_CN text pc1.test.lan Test client, CN for the client certificate
Y_TEST_CLIENT_PASSWORD password 1234 Test client, password of the p12 file
Y_TEST_CLIENT_REVO yes/no yes Test client, yes, to include the revocation URL in the certificate
Y_TEST_CLIENT_DAYS integer 31 Test client, How long to certify for
Y_TEST_CLIENT_SAN text,IP.1: Test client, san (Subject Alternative Name)


The docker image was compiled to work on these CPU architectures :

  • linux/386
  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm/v6
  • linux/arm/v7
  • linux/arm64
  • linux/ppc64le
  • linux/s390x

Work on most computers including Raspberry Pi


To customize and create your own images.

git clone
cd ye3cert
# Make all your modifications, then :
docker build --no-cache --network=host -t ye3cert .
docker run -dt --name my_customized_cert ye3cert


OpenSSL man page
openSSL-ca man page
lighttpd man page


name version
ye3cert 2.0.0
openssl 3.3.2
lighttpd 1.4.76
alpine 3.20.3


  • need to document env variables (2023-12-23)
  • add more translation files in i18n folder. Contribute ! Send me your translations by mail ;)

Don't hesitate to send me your contributions, issues, improvements on github or by mail.


author: palw3ey
maintainer: palw3ey
email: [email protected]
docker hub: