A container AAA Radius server based on Freeradius and Alpine for a MySQL DB. Below 20 Mb. GNS3 ready.
The /etc/raddb folder is persistent.
docker run -dt --name myradius -e Y_TEST_NAS=yes -e Y_TEST_USER=yes palw3ey/ye3radius
If you don't have a MariaDB or MySQL Server, then proceed to step 1.
If you already have a running SQL Server, then skip to step 3.
If you already have a Radius DB with data, then skip to step 7.
- Create MariaDB container
docker run -dt --name mymariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypass mariadb:latest
- Create Radius database and Radius DB user
docker exec -it mymariadb mariadb --user=root --password=mypass
create database radius;
create user 'radiusDBuser'@'%' identified by 'radiusDBpassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON radius.* TO radiusDBuser;
- Import the MySQL schema
wget https://github.com/palw3ey/ye3radius/raw/main/schema.sql
mariadb --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=radiusDBuser --password=radiusDBpassword --database=radius < schema.sql
mariadb --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=radiusDBuser --password=radiusDBpassword --database=radius -e "SHOW TABLES;"
- Create a NAS client
The nas_address, below, is the IP address of the host that is requesting authentication. Use to allow any IP address.
mariadb --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=radiusDBuser --password=radiusDBpassword --database=radius -e "INSERT INTO nas (nasname,shortname,type,ports,secret,server,community,description) VALUES ('"$nas_address"', 'nas access sql', 'other',NULL ,'"$nas_secret"',NULL ,NULL ,'RADIUS Client');"
- Create a user
mariadb --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=radiusDBuser --password=radiusDBpassword --database=radius -e "INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('"$employee_username"', 'Cleartext-Password', ':=', '"$employee_password"');"
- Include AVPair Reply (optional)
To include Cisco-AVPair for a user
mariadb --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=radiusDBuser --password=radiusDBpassword --database=radius
INSERT INTO radreply
(username, attribute, op, value)
('tux', 'cisco-avpair', '+=', 'ipsec:dns-servers='),
('tux', 'cisco-avpair', '+=', 'ipsec:default-domain=example.lan');
- Run
In the first run the ye3radius container will creates certificates if not exist, this may take a couple of seconds or minutes before the Radius service get ready
docker run -dt --name myradius -e Y_DB_ENABLE=yes -e Y_DB_SERVER=example.lan -e Y_DB_PORT=3306 -e Y_DB_LOGIN=radiusDBuser -e Y_DB_PASSWORD=radiusDBpassword -e Y_DB_TLS_REQUIRED=no palw3ey/ye3radius
- Test
# check if container is ready :
docker logs myradius
# get container IP :
docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' myradius
# On a ubuntu host :
apt install freeradius-utils
radtest $employee_username $employee_password $container_ip:1812 0 $nas_secret -x
on the host
docker exec -it myradius sh --login -c "radtest test 1234 localhost:1812 0 testing123 -x"
on Cisco IOS
configure terminal
aaa new-model
radius server ye3radius
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key strongSecret
do test aaa group radius server name ye3radius test 1234 new-code
- Show freeradius log
docker exec -it myradius sh --login -c "tail -f /var/log/radius/radius.log"
- Connect to DB
mysql --host=example.com --port=3306 --user=login --password=password --database=radius
- Add a user
INSERT INTO radcheck
(username, attribute, op, value)
('user', 'Cleartext-Password', ':=', 'password');
- Delete a user
DELETE FROM radcheck
WHERE username = 'user';
- Update a user password
UPDATE radcheck
SET value='password'
WHERE username='user';
- Disable a user
INSERT INTO radcheck
(username, attribute, op, value)
('user', 'Auth-Type', ':=', 'Reject');
- Enable a previously disabled user
DELETE FROM radcheck
WHERE username='user'
AND attribute='Auth-Type'
AND value='Reject';
- List all user
SELECT * FROM radcheck;
To run through GNS3, download and import the appliance : ye3radius.gns3a
These are the env variables and their default values.
variables | format | default | description |
Y_LANGUAGE | text | fr_FR | Language. The list is in the folder /i18n/ |
Y_DEBUG | yes/no | no | yes, Run freeradius with debug (-X) option |
Y_IGNORE_CONFIG | yes/no | no | yes, To not apply file changes in the /etc/raddb/ folder. A good option if you use a custom /etc/raddb folder mounted from outside |
Y_PORT_AUTH | port number | 1812 | Authentication port |
Y_PORT_ACCT | port number | 1813 | Accounting port |
Y_CERT_DAYS | integer | 3650 | Certificate expiration date in days |
Y_CERT_KEEP | yes/no | yes | yes, To avoid recreating the certificates if already exist |
Y_TEST_NAS | yes/no | no | yes, To activate the test NAS |
Y_TEST_NAS_ADDRESS | ip address | | Test NAS address |
Y_TEST_NAS_SECRET | password | Test10203040 | Test NAS secret |
Y_TEST_USER | yes/no | no | yes, To activate the test user |
Y_TEST_USER_USERNAME | name | test | Test user username |
Y_TEST_USER_PASSWORD | password | 1234 | Test user password |
Y_DB_ENABLE | yes/no | no | yes, To enable SQL |
Y_DB_SERVER | address | example.com | SQL server address |
Y_DB_PORT | port number | 3306 | SQL server port |
Y_DB_LOGIN | name | login | SQL server login |
Y_DB_PASSWORD | password | password | SQL server password |
Y_DB_RADIUS_DB | text | radius | SQL database to use |
Y_DB_TLS_REQUIRED | yes/no | no | yes, To connect to the SQL server with ssl option |
Y_DB_READ_CLIENTS | yes/no | yes | yes, To read NAS from SQL nas table |
Y_DB_AUTHORIZE | yes/no | yes | yes, To allow auth from SQL |
Y_DB_POSTAUTH | yes/no | yes | yes, To allow SQL postauth |
Y_DB_ACCOUNTING | yes/no | yes | yes, To allow SQL accounting |
Y_DB_WAIT | integer | 5 | Number of seconds to wait between each attempt to reach the SQL server when the ye3radius container starts |
The docker image was compiled to work on these CPU architectures :
- linux/386
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm/v6
- linux/arm/v7
- linux/arm64
- linux/ppc64le
- linux/s390x
Work on most computers including Raspberry Pi
To customize and create your own images.
git clone https://github.com/palw3ey/ye3radius.git
cd ye3radius
# Make all your modifications, then :
docker build --no-cache --network=host -t ye3radius .
docker run -dt --name my_customized_radius ye3radius
name | version |
ye3radius | 1.0.0 |
radiusd | 3.0.26 |
alpine | 3.20.3 |
need to document env variables(2023-12-12)- add more translation files in i18n folder. Contribute ! Send me your translations by mail ;)
Don't hesitate to send me your contributions, issues, improvements on github or by mail.
author: palw3ey
maintainer: palw3ey
email: [email protected]
website: https://github.com/palw3ey/ye3radius
docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/palw3ey/ye3radius