- Organized .xcodeproj: files are grouped by layers (Presentation, Domain/Model, Infrastructure, etc), responsibilities (UI, Model, Logic, Vendor, etc), roles, etc. No flat structure allowed
- Organized project folder: desirable but not required to keep file structure in sync with .xcodeproj
- One .m / .swift == One class. No extra classes allowed
- Localization is required even for the case, when you have only one language. Therefore adding extra language won't cause any difficulty in future
- Images and other resources (.plist) should be grouped as well (i.e. $SRCROOT/Resources/Images/Common/, $SRCROOT/Resource/Assets/)
- Structure
related constants
class extension
- dealloc
- init methods
- other
- Method sections should be separated by #pragma mark - $sectionName
- Curly braces are opened on the same line with code, closed - on a new line. For short blocks / closures a single line can be used
- Asterisk placed near the name
Type *var = ...;
- Every code block should be wrapped by
if (statement) {
NSLog(@"%@", var);
The only exception is a short statement and an immediate return in the beginning:
- (void)performSomeTask {
if (!user.hasToken) return;
- Tab consists of 4 spaces
- Max symbols in a row: 120
- Use space after
and similar:
if (pointer != someOtherPointer)
CGFloat result = width * height * 2.f;
BOOL contentExists = self.content.length > 0;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { ... }
- Alignment: do not align code as ASCII-art.
- Separate logical code blocks with 1 line wrap. Random number of \n is not allowed
- Between Type & Protocol there are no spaces:
id<NSObject> object = ...;
- Between var and casting parentheses there are no spaces:
ClassType *a = (ClassType *)b;
,ScalarType a = (ScalarType)b;
- If listing protocols goes beyond 120 characters, place each on a separate line:
@interface SCHCategoryViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate>
@interface SCHCategoryViewController : UIViewController <
- Use a single space between +/- and a returned type. Any additional spaces in arguments list are not allowed:
- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString *)string flag:(BOOL)flag;
- If the method goes beyond 120+10 characters, place each argument on a separate line, align by colon:
- (void)doSomethingWithString:(NSString *)string
- Method invocation should use the same formatting as for declaration
- No space symbol between name and arguments parentheses
- If the method goes beyond 120+10 characters, parentheses should be placed the same way, as opening/closing braces. Place each argument on a separate line aligned by 1 tab:
void * LongLongLongFunction(
id firstArgument,
id secondArgument,
id *outArgument,
int other
[controller conformsToProtocol:@protocol(EParticipantSelection)],
@"Controller %@ should confrom to protocol",
should be aligned by 1 tab:
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
id _privateIvar;
id _protectedIvar;
- Access specifiers should be declared explicitly
- Between
and opening parentheses 1 space symbol should be used - Parameters ordering: atomic/nonatomic, memory policy, access specified (readonly/readwrite), setter declaration, getter declaration:
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, getter=customGetter) NSString *value;
aligned to the line beginning
- Code inside block / closure aligned by 1 tab
- Opening and closing braces should be aligned by the first symbol of declaration:
dipatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// your code here
NSArray *contentArray = nil;
[contentArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){
// your code here
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
// your code here
} completion:^(BOOL finished){
// your code here
- There is no space between
and return type / arguments:^(id response){}
^NSUInteger * (id response){}
In general we're using Apple Coding Guidelines for Cocoa with several highlights:
- Three-letters prexif is REQUIRED
- Methods for the non-project class categories should be prefixed by
:- (void)sch_performTask:(id)arg
- Magical numbers are not allowed - constants should be used instead. Exception: constant value, used in local one place with descriptive name
- No "raw" strings. Exception: the same as for the magical numbers
- Desirable to use
// SCHNotifier.h
OBJC_EXTERN NSString * const SCHNotifierDidChangeStateNotification;
OBJC_EXTERN const CGFloat SCHDefaultAnimationDuration;
// SCHNotifier.m
NSString * const SCHNotifierDidChangeStateNotification = @"com.project.notifier.stateDidChange";
const CGFloat SCHDefaultAnimationDuration = 0.33;
- Use typedef for blocks declaration and custom enums / scalar types
- Use NSInteger, NSTimeInterval, CGFloat, etc over plain types. Therefore it is easier to migrate to the 64-bits
Use forward declaration whenever possible
ivars not allowed
- Use
specifier in case mutability leads to unexpected behaviour (i.e. when NSMutableString passed as NSString and mutated outside of the class) - Use
for public properties whenever possible to prevent unexpected class usage (i.e. outlet assigned from client code, etc) - (iOS only) Use
whenever possible to speedup code execution - Desirable to access underlying property's ivar only in init/setter/getter
- Use of @property solely to create _ivar is not recommended and should be prohibited
Use exceptions only where it is required. Desirable to use NSError ** and / or return result status (i.e. Success, Fail)
- Delegate methods should always pass
@protocol CustomClassDelegate <NSObject>
- (NSInteger)someDelegateMethod:(CustomClass *)customClass;
- (void)customClass:(CustomClass *)customClass didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- Protocol support for properties / vars should be declared explicitly:
id<Protocol> instance = ...;
,@property (nonatomic, weak) id<Protocol> delegate;
- Desirable to use implicit equality check:
if (bar && baz && quux)
- Prefer c-functions / constants / methods over #define
Keep your AppDelegate as clean as possible. Any logic, not related to AppDelegate (database seeding, networking, etc) is not allowed
Group required #defines, constants to a separate header (SCHConstants.h, SCHDefines.h). Garbage in .pch is not allowed