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[1/2] Catalog obj resolution
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rchowell committed Jan 25, 2024
1 parent 65fafeb commit 77760dc
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Showing 18 changed files with 232 additions and 804 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import org.partiql.ast.Statement
import org.partiql.ast.normalize.normalize
import org.partiql.errors.ProblemCallback
import org.partiql.planner.internal.Env
import org.partiql.planner.internal.transforms.AstToPlan
import org.partiql.planner.internal.transforms.PlanTransform
import org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.PlanTyper
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160 changes: 29 additions & 131 deletions partiql-planner/src/main/kotlin/org/partiql/planner/internal/Env.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,162 +2,60 @@ package org.partiql.planner.internal

import org.partiql.planner.PartiQLPlanner
import org.partiql.planner.internal.typer.TypeEnv.Companion.toPath
import org.partiql.spi.BindingPath
import org.partiql.spi.connector.ConnectorMetadata
import org.partiql.types.StaticType

* [Env] represents the combination of the database type environment (db env) and some local env (type env).
* [Env] is similar to the database type environment from the PartiQL Specification. This includes resolution of
* database binding values and scoped functions.
* See [TypeEnv] for the variables type environment.
* @property session
internal class Env(private val session: PartiQLPlanner.Session) {

* Collect the list of all referenced globals during planning.
public val catalogs = mutableListOf<Catalog>()

* Catalog Metadata for this query session.
* Maintain a list of all resolved catalog symbols (objects and functions).
private val connectors = session.catalogs
private val symbols: Symbols = Symbols.empty()

* Leverages a [FnResolver] to find a matching function defined in the [Header] scalar function catalog.
* Convert the symbols structure into a list of [Catalog] for shipping in the plan.
internal fun resolveFn(fn: Fn.Unresolved, args: List<Rex>) = fnResolver.resolveFn(fn, args)
internal fun catalogs(): List<Catalog> =

* Leverages a [FnResolver] to find a matching function defined in the [Header] aggregation function catalog.
* Current catalog [ConnectorMetadata]. Error if missing from the session.
internal fun resolveAgg(agg: Agg.Unresolved, args: List<Rex>) = fnResolver.resolveAgg(agg, args)
private val catalog: ConnectorMetadata = session.catalogs[session.currentCatalog]
?: error("Session is missing ConnectorMetadata for current catalog ${session.currentCatalog}")

* Fetch global object metadata from the given [BindingPath].
* @param catalog Current catalog
* @param path Global identifier path
* @return
* A [PathResolver] for database objects.
fun catalogs(): List<Catalog> = { }
private val objects: PathResolverObj = PathResolverObj(catalog, session)

* This function looks up a global [BindingPath], returning a global reference expression.
* Convert any remaining binding names (tail) to a path expression.
* @param path
* @param locals
* @param strategy
* @return
public fun resolve(path: BindingPath, locals: TypeEnv, strategy: ResolutionStrategy): Rex? = when (strategy) {
ResolutionStrategy.LOCAL -> locals.resolve(path) ?: catalog.lookup
ResolutionStrategy.GLOBAL -> global(path) ?: locals.resolve(path)

* TODO optimization, check known globals before calling out to connector again
* @param catalog
* @param originalPath
* @param catalogPath
* @return
private fun getGlobalType(
catalog: BindingName?,
originalPath: BindingPath,
catalogPath: BindingPath,
): ResolvedVar? {
return catalog?.let { cat ->
getObjectHandle(cat, catalogPath)?.let { handle ->
getObjectDescriptor(handle).let { type ->
val depth = calculateMatched(originalPath, catalogPath, handle.second.absolutePath)
val (catalogIndex, valueIndex) = getOrAddCatalogValue(
// Return resolution metadata
ResolvedVar(type, catalogIndex, depth, valueIndex)

// /**
// * TODO
// *
// * @param fn
// * @return
// */
// @OptIn(FnExperimental::class)
// public fun resolve(fn: Fn.Unresolved, args: List<Rex>): Rex? {
// TODO()
// }

* Attempt to resolve a [BindingPath] in the global + local type environments.
fun resolve(path: BindingPath, locals: TypeEnv, strategy: ResolutionStrategy): Rex? {
return when (strategy) {
ResolutionStrategy.LOCAL -> locals.resolve(path) ?: resolveGlobalBind(path)
ResolutionStrategy.GLOBAL -> resolveGlobalBind(path) ?: locals.resolve(path)

* Logic is as follows:
* 1. If Current Catalog and Schema are set, create a Path to the object and attempt to grab handle and schema.
* a. If not found, just try to find the object in the catalog.
* 2. If Current Catalog is not set:
* a. Loop through all catalogs and try to find the object.
* TODO: Add global bindings
* TODO: Replace paths with global variable references if found
private fun resolveGlobalBind(path: BindingPath): Rex? {
val currentCatalog = session.currentCatalog?.let { BindingName(it, BindingCase.SENSITIVE) }
val currentCatalogPath = BindingPath( { BindingName(it, BindingCase.SENSITIVE) })
val absoluteCatalogPath = BindingPath(currentCatalogPath.steps + path.steps)
val resolvedVar = when (path.steps.size) {
0 -> null
1 -> getGlobalType(currentCatalog, path, absoluteCatalogPath)
2 -> getGlobalType(currentCatalog, path, path) ?: getGlobalType(currentCatalog, path, absoluteCatalogPath)
else -> {
val inferredCatalog = path.steps[0]
val newPath = BindingPath(path.steps.subList(1, path.steps.size))
getGlobalType(inferredCatalog, path, newPath)
?: getGlobalType(currentCatalog, path, path)
?: getGlobalType(currentCatalog, path, absoluteCatalogPath)
} ?: return null
// rewrite as path expression for any remaining steps.
val root = rex(resolvedVar.type, rexOpGlobal(catalogSymbolRef(resolvedVar.ordinal, resolvedVar.position)))
val tail = path.steps.drop(resolvedVar.depth)
fun resolveObj(path: BindingPath): Rex? {
val match = objects.lookup(path) ?: return null
// Insert into symbols, producing a reference
val ref = symbols.insert(match.item)
// Rewrite as an untyped path expression.
val root = rex(StaticType.ANY, rexOpGlobal(ref))
val tail = path.steps.drop(match.depth)
return if (tail.isEmpty()) root else root.toPath(tail)

* Logic for determining how many BindingNames were “matched” by the ConnectorMetadata
* 1. Matched = RelativePath - Not Found
* 2. Not Found = Input CatalogPath - Output CatalogPath
* 3. Matched = RelativePath - (Input CatalogPath - Output CatalogPath)
* 4. Matched = RelativePath + Output CatalogPath - Input CatalogPath
private fun calculateMatched(
originalPath: BindingPath,
inputCatalogPath: BindingPath,
outputCatalogPath: ConnectorObjectPath,
): Int {
return originalPath.steps.size + outputCatalogPath.steps.size - inputCatalogPath.steps.size

private fun Rex.toPath(steps: List<BindingName>): Rex = steps.fold(this) { curr, step ->
val op = when (step.bindingCase) {
BindingCase.SENSITIVE -> rexOpPathKey(curr, rex(StaticType.STRING, rexOpLit(stringValue(
BindingCase.INSENSITIVE -> rexOpPathSymbol(curr,
rex(StaticType.ANY, op)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.partiql.spi.connector.ConnectorHandle
* @property catalog The resolved entity's catalog name.
* @property handle The resolved entity's catalog path and type information.
internal data class PathEntry<T>(
internal data class PathItem<T>(
@JvmField val catalog: String,
@JvmField val handle: ConnectorHandle<T>,
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package org.partiql.planner.internal

* Result of searching a path in a catalog.
* @param T
* @property depth The depth/level of the path match.
* @property item The metadata for the matched catalog item.
internal data class PathMatch<T>(
@JvmField val depth: Int,
@JvmField val item: PathItem<T>,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,59 +32,93 @@ internal abstract class PathResolver<T>(
) {

* The session's current directory represented as [BindingName] steps.
private val schema = { it.toBindingName() }

* A [PathResolver] should override this one method for which [ConnectorMetadata] API to call.
* @param path The absolute path within a catalog.
* @param path The catalog absolute path.
* @return
abstract fun get(metadata: ConnectorMetadata, path: BindingPath): ConnectorHandle<T>?

* Resolution rules for a given name.
* Lookup a `path` following the scoping rules in the class javadoc.
* Returns a pair of the
* @param path This represents the exact path
* @return
internal fun resolve(path: BindingPath): PathEntry<T>? {
internal fun lookup(path: BindingPath): PathMatch<T>? {
val n = path.steps.size
val absPath = BindingPath(schema + path.steps)
return when (n) {
0 -> null
1 -> get(absPath)
2 -> get(absPath) ?: get(path)
else -> get(absPath) ?: get(path) ?: lookup(path)
1 -> get(absPath, n)
2 -> get(absPath, n) ?: get(path, n)
else -> get(absPath, n) ?: get(path, n) ?: search(path, n)

* This gets the path in the current catalog.
* @param path
* @param absPath Catalog absolute path.
* @param n Original path step size, used in depth calculation.
* @return
private fun get(path: BindingPath): PathEntry<T>? =
get(catalog, path)?.let { PathEntry(session.currentCatalog, it) }
private fun get(absPath: BindingPath, n: Int): PathMatch<T>? {
val handle = get(catalog, absPath) ?: return null
val depth = depth(n, absPath.steps.size, handle.path.size)
val item = PathItem(session.currentCatalog, handle)
return PathMatch(depth, item)

* This looks for an absolute path in the current system, using the session to lookup catalogs.
* This searches with a system absolute path, using the session to lookup catalogs.
* @param path
* @param path System absolute path.
* @param n Original path step size, used in depth calculation.
private fun lookup(path: BindingPath): PathEntry<T>? {
val head = path.steps.first()
val tail = BindingPath(path.steps.drop(1))
for ((catalog, metadata) in session.catalogs) {
if (head.matches(catalog)) {
return get(metadata, tail)?.let { PathEntry(catalog, it) }
private fun search(path: BindingPath, n: Int): PathMatch<T>? {
var match: Map.Entry<String, ConnectorMetadata>? = null
val first: BindingName = path.steps.first()
for (catalog in session.catalogs) {
if (first.matches(catalog.key)) {
if (match != null) {
// TODO root was already matched, emit ambiguous error
return null
match = catalog
return null
if (match == null) {
return null
// Lookup in the unambiguously matched catalog, calculating the depth matched.
val absPath = BindingPath(path.steps.drop(1))
val catalog = match.key
val metadata = match.value
val handle = get(metadata, absPath) ?: return null
val depth = depth(n, absPath.steps.size, handle.path.size)
val item = PathItem(catalog, handle)
return PathMatch(depth, item)

private fun String.toBindingName() = BindingName(this, BindingCase.SENSITIVE)

* Logic for determining how many BindingNames were “matched” by the ConnectorMetadata
* 1. Matched = RelativePath - Not Found
* 2. Not Found = Input CatalogPath - Output CatalogPath
* 3. Matched = RelativePath - (Input CatalogPath - Output CatalogPath)
* 4. Matched = RelativePath + Output CatalogPath - Input CatalogPath
* Ask johqunn@ as this is too clever for me.
private fun depth(original: Int, input: Int, output: Int): Int = original + output - input

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