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Alexandr Krylovskiy edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 14 revisions


Select a preferred way of installing the Patchwork Toolkit:

Running Device Gateway

Detailed description of how to configure each of the components you can find in Configuring Device Gateway, Configuring Device Catalog, and Configuring Service Catalog. In this section, we briefly show how to quickly run the Patchwork components with sample configurations.

If building from sources:

Create folders for configuration inside of the patchwork directory and place there a DGW configuration file:

mkdir -p conf/devices
touch conf/device-gateway.json

Insert into the file the contents from the example config

Now you can start the DGW:

[device-gateway] 12:36:50 AgentManager.start()
[device-gateway] 12:36:50 Mounted local catalog at /dc
[device-gateway] 12:36:50 Starting server at
[device-gateway] 12:36:50 Registered 0 device(s) in local catalog

As you can see, the DGW also started a local read-only Device Catalog for you at /dc URI, which will be populated by devices/resources of this particular DGW only. You can query the local DC to check that its empty:


As we didn't add any devices/resources, no agents have been started and therefore the /rest URI is not much usable so far. We will show you how to add some example agents below.

Running a central Device Catalog

In order to run the central Device Catalog that will be able to accept registrations from other DGWs in the network, it needs to be configured first.

If building from sources:

Create a DC configuration file:

touch conf/device-catalog.json

Insert into the file the contents from the example config

Now you can start the configured Device Catalog:

2014/08/20 12:47:49 Started standalone catalog at

and check if it responds:


as you can see, the response is identical to what you get directly from the DGW's local catalog.

Configuring devices

Let us add a dummy device with some resources to see how the pair of DGW and DC operate together.

If building from sources:

Create a device configuration file:

touch conf/devices/dummy.json

Insert into the file the contents from the example config

As you can see from the configuration file, we declared a device named DummyDevice with a single resource RandomStream. The resource is acquired by executing a device agent of type service (meaning it's running constantly) and the agent is defined by an inline Bash script under the exec key (most commonly it will be an absolute path to the agent's program). In the protocols section we declare that a corresponding RESTful service should be created for this device resource that supports only HTTP GET request and support only text/plain content type.

Now run the DGW again (or restart if it was still running):

[device-gateway] 12:53:04 AgentManager.start()
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 Mounted local catalog at /dc
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 RESTfulAPI: Mounting resource: /rest/DummyDevice/RandomStream
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 Starting server at
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 Added registration my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 Registered 1 device(s) in local catalog
[device-gateway] 12:53:04 AgentManager.createService(Dummy Device/RandomStream)

As you can see from the command's output, the DGW has created a RESTful endpoint for our resource /rest/Dummy Device/RandomStream and created a corresponding service.

Let us consume this API:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain"
$ curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain"
$ curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain"

The first two calls return the cached value (as described in Device Gateway. The following call returns another value received from the device agent.

Let us check the registration of this resource in the local DC by sending a HTTP GET request to the /dc endpoint of the DGW:

  "@context": "/static/ctx/catalog.jsonld",
  "id": "/dc",
  "type": "Collection",
  "devices": {
    "/dc/my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice": {
      "id": "/dc/my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice",
      "type": "Device",
      "name": "DummyDevice",
      "meta": {
        "any": "key",
        "kind": "dummy"
      "description": "Just a test of DGW",
      "ttl": -1,
      "created": "2014-08-20T12:58:21.29182903+02:00",
      "updated": "2014-08-20T12:58:21.29182903+02:00",
      "expires": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  "resources": [
      "id": "/dc/my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice/RandomStream",
      "type": "Resource",
      "name": "RandomStream",
      "meta": {},
      "protocols": [
          "type": "REST",
          "endpoint": {
            "url": "http://pi.homenetwork:9000/rest/DummyDevice/RandomStream"
          "methods": [
          "content-types": [
      "representation": {
        "text/plain": {
          "type": "number"
      "device": "/dc/my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice"

If you have a central DC up and running, you should see the following in the console of the DGW:

[device-gateway] 13:37:37 Will publish to remote catalog
[device-gateway] 13:37:37 Added registration my-demo-gateway-1/DummyDevice
[device-gateway] 13:37:37 Will keep alive 1 registrations

If you query central DC curl you will receive the same registration as in the local catalog, except that the TTL in the local catalog is -1 (local registrations never expire).

Adding MQTT broker to your infrastructure


Running Service Catalog
