linuxer is a powerful Oh-My-Zsh theme inspired by Yaris Alex Gutierrez's classyTouch, Yad Smood's ys, and Bureau theme. It features:
- Current Line of Command
- Current TTY Display
- Current Directory status
- Last Returned Error Code
- Mercurial and Git Status Support
- NVM and RVM Support
linuxer-min is a lightweight fork of Linuxer. which provide you most simple yet most productive environment.
linuxer-fancy is a fancy and beautiful theme based on agnoster keeping all the feature from the linuxer theme.
wget should be installed
type the following in the terminal:
for linuxer
wget -p -O ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/linuxer.zsh-theme
for linuxer-min
wget -p -O ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/linuxer-min.zsh-theme
for linuxer-fancy
wget -p -O ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/linuxer-fancy.zsh-theme
If you want to use virtualenv, please insert
into your shell configuration file
The Project is under MIT.