VNC Server for Raspberry PI using dispmanx
Build with "make"
Building requires that the following is installed: libvncserver-dev, libconfig++-dev and g++ 4.7 or newer.
- Practically no CPU usage when a VNC client is not connected. No need to stop when not in use.
- Runs well as a service
- Stable even when changing resolution
- Password support
- Configurable port number
- Configurable target frame rate, with automatic frame rate reduction down to 2/second when no updates are detected.
- Adaptable algorithm for the best performance both for update intensive applications like video and animations, and low CPU usage for updates to smaller regions of the screen
- Supports efficient downscaling to a quarter of the resoltion on the server side. Saves CPU, bandwidth and is practical for remote control of e.g. Kodi in high resolution from a computer with lower resolution
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8 libvncserver-dev libconfig++-dev
Followed by
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.6
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 40 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8
And finally select the version you want to use with the following command
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
...or simply build with
make CXX=g++-4.8
sudo apt-get install g++ libvncserver-dev libconfig++-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential rbp-userland-dev-osmc libvncserver-dev libconfig++-dev
Make sure the appropriate driver is loaded by issuing
sudo modprobe evdev
Make this load automatically at boot by adding the following on a separate row in /etc/modules
Run the program by issuing
sudo ./dispmanx_vncserver
Parameters Usage: ./dispmanx_vncserver [OPTION]...
-a, --absolute absolute mouse movements
-c, --config-file=FILE use the specified configuration file
-d, --downscale downscales the screen to a quarter in vnc
-f, --fullscreen always runs fullscreen mode
-l, --localhost only listens to local ports
-m, --multi-threaded runs vnc in a separate thread
-p, --port=PORT makes vnc available on the speficied port
-P, --password=PASSWORD protects the session with PASSWORD
-r, --relative relative mouse movements
-s, --screen=SCREEN opens the specified screen number
-t, --frame-rate=RATE sets the target frame rate, default is 15
-u, --unsafe disables more robust handling of resolution
change at a small performance gain
-v, --vnc-params parameters to send to libvncserver
--help displays this help and exit
The program supports reading all the settings from a configuration file. See the attached .conf.sample-file. The default name of the config file is the same as of the binary with the extension ".conf". The program will first look in the same folder as the binary is placed, if not found there it will try /etc/. The configuration file name and location may be specified with the --config-file command line parameter. Any command line arguments will override those of the config file.
By default, when HDMI not connected, the composite port is active with a resolution of 720x480. Edit the /boot/config.txt file to change resolution.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add or replace the following settings to enable 1080p 50Hz suitable for a TV set
# This enables HDMI resolutions when HDMI is not connected
# Group
# 1=CEA, used for connecting to consumer TV sets
# 2=DMT, used for connecting to a computer monitor
# CEA Modes
# 4 = 720p 60Hz
# 19 = 720p 50Hz
# 16 = 1080p 60Hz
# 31 = 1080p 50Hz
# DMT Modes
# 39 = 1360x768 60Hz
# 82 = 1920x1080 60Hz
The modes specified here are just a few useful examples, please refer to the documentation of config.txt at for further information
If you occasionally connect to a monitor with HDMI, it is an advantage to specify hdmi_group and hdmi_mode that matches the monitor.
A reboot is required after changing this file for the changes to take effect.
Relative mode makes hello_triangle2 to work. And also mouse moving in minecraft is better. Still the mouse is tricky.