#Credentialed Features
Credential metabolomic datasets based on isotopic signatures.
##Reference http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac503092d
##Example credential() Usage
# an accepts an xsAnnotate object from the CAMERA package. This must contain grouping information between the two peaks as well. See below.
an = xsAnnotate(xs)
credentialed_features = credential(
an = an,
r_12t13_a = 0.97, # 12C/13C signal
r_12t13_b = 1.23, # 12C/13C signal
isotope_rt_delta_s = 5,
ppm_for_isotopes = 5,
mixed_ratio_factor = 4,
mixed_ratio_ratio_factor = 1.8,
mpc_f = 1.1,
##Example Data Preparation
xs = group(retcor(xcmsSet("file_a.mzxml", "file_b.mzxml")))
an = xsAnnotate(xs)
# settings for xcmsSet(), group(), and retcor() must be optimized by the user
# an is then passed to the credential() call as above
##Modifications Since Publication
- The default, maximum mass-per-carbon limit was increased to accomidate heavier adducts such as Mg2+. Previously these adducts could be improperly excluded if they increased the detected mass per carbon of a ner-limit compound.
- The ppm error is now specifiable in a mass-dependent manner. This allows the filtering to account for decreases in resolution at higher mass and the associated mass error introduced due to multiple peaks contributing to a single centroid mass. For example the following function could be passed to
ppm_f = function(masses) {
resolution = (2E6 * masses ^ -0.49) # Emperically determined mass dependence of resolution
fwhm = masses / resolution
ppm_plusminus = fwhm / 2 / masses * 1E6 + 0.3
- Input has been simplified to better match the traditional xcms/CAMERA workflow. Input is now a single xsAnnotate object containing two files. This object must have been appropriately grouped and retention time corrected by the user as fitting the specific workflow.
##Modifying The Source
- Clone this repo
- Modify the source