This is a resurrection of the last known good copy of from the Internet Archive. The original domain seemed to lapse around mid 2014 and has been picked up by a domain squatter since. The new domain is the closest match I could find that was available.
The original "Visitors Book" was a guestbook, an antiquated phenomenon of the early web, and consumed 99% of the 593MB in the archive so I removed it, including links within the site.
I've made numerous minor tweaks to the HTML to fix up links to images, etc.
gem install wayback_machine_downloader
wayback_machine_downloader -t 20140701100848
I believe it was authored by Steve Croker from LARS in Bristol, UK. Sadly, he passed away in December 2014. Given Mr Croker's obvious dedication to education I hope he would approve of his site's continuing benefit to the rest of us.