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some minor bugfixes
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pawbz committed Jul 30, 2017
1 parent 397a2c1 commit 2724df3
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Showing 12 changed files with 257 additions and 151 deletions.
64 changes: 52 additions & 12 deletions src/Acquisition.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import JuMIT.Models
import JuMIT.Wavelets
import JuMIT.DSP
using Distributions
using DSP # from Julia

Acquisiton has supersources, sources and receivers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ recorded.
function Geom_find(acq::Geom; rpos::Array{Float64,1}=nothing, rpos0::Array{Float64,1}=nothing)
rpos==nothing ? error("need rpos") : nothing
sson = Array(Vector{Int64}, acq.nss);
sson = Array{Vector{Int64}}(acq.nss);
for iss = 1:acq.nss
rvec = [[acq.rz[iss][ir],acq.rx[iss][ir]] for[iss]]
ir=findfirst(rvec, rpos)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,42 +457,81 @@ Constructor of `Src`, which is typical for a input model such that
the model has `nλ` wavelengths.
# Arguments
* `nλ::Int64=10` : number of wavelenghts in the model
function Src_fixed_mod(nss::Int64, ns::Int64, nfield::Int64, model::Models.Seismic, nλ::Int64=10)
x=model.mgrid.x; z=model.mgrid.z
# dominant wavelength using model dimensions
* `nss::Int64` : number of supersources
* `ns::Int64` : number of source per each supersource
* `nfield::Int64` :
# Keyword Arguments
* `mod::Models.Seismic` :
* `nλ::Int64=10` : number of wavelengths in the mod
* `wav_func::Function=(fqdom, tgrid)->Wavelets.ricker(fqdom,tgrid)` : which wavelet to generate, see Wavelets.jl
* `tmaxfrac::Float64=1.0` : by default the maximum modelling time is computed using the average velocity and the diagonal distance of the model, use this fraction to increase of reduce the maximum time
function Src_fixed_mod(
nss::Int64, ns::Int64, nfield::Int64;
wav_func::Function=(fqdom, tgrid)->Wavelets.ricker(fqdom,tgrid),

x=mod.mgrid.x; z=mod.mgrid.z
# dominant wavelength using mod dimensions
λdom=mean([(abs(x[end]-x[1])), (abs(z[end]-z[1]))])/real(nλ)
# average P velocity
vavg=Models.χ([mean(model.χvp)], model.vp0, -1)[1]
vavg=Models.χ([mean(mod.χvp)], mod.vp0, -1)[1]

fqdom = vavg/λdom

# maximum distance the wave travels
d = sqrt((x[1]-x[end]).^2+(z[1]-z[end]).^2)

# use two-way maximum distance to get tmax
tmax=2.*d/vavg .* tmaxfrac

# choose sampling interval to obey max freq of source wavelet
δmin = minimum([model.mgrid.δx, model.mgrid.δz])
vpmax = model.vp0[2]
δmin = minimum([mod.mgrid.δx, mod.mgrid.δz])
vpmax = mod.vp0[2]

# check if δt is reasonable
#(δt > 0.1/fqdom) : error("decrease spatial sampling or nλ")

tgrid=Grid.M1D(0.0, tmax, δt)
wav = Wavelets.ricker(fqdom=fqdom, tgrid=tgrid);
wav = wav_func(fqdom, tgrid);

src=Src_fixed(nss, ns, nfield, wav, tgrid)
# choose ricker waveletes of fdom
return src

Generate band-limited random source signals
function Src_fixed_random(nss::Int64, ns::Int64, nfield::Int64, fmin::Float64, fmax::Float64, tgrid::Grid.M1D, tmax::Float64=tgrid.x[end] )
fs = 1/ tgrid.δx;
designmethod = Butterworth(4);
filtsource = Bandpass(fmin, fmax; fs=fs);

itmax = indmin(abs.(tgrid.x-tmax))
# 20% taper window
twin = DSP.taper(ones(itmax),20.)
X = zeros(itmax)
wavsrc = [repeat(zeros(tgrid.nx),inner=(1,ns)) for iss=1:nss, ifield=1:nfield]
for ifield in 1:nfield, iss in 1:nss, is in 1:ns
X[:] = rand(Uniform(-1.0, 1.0), itmax) .* twin
# band limit
filt!(X, digitalfilter(filtsource, designmethod), X);
wavsrc[iss, ifield][1:itmax,is] = X.*twin
src= Src(nss, fill(ns, nss), nfield, wavsrc, deepcopy(tgrid))
return src

Function that returns Src after time reversal
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72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions src/DSP.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ using Distributions
using DSP # from julia

generate random signals in the frequency domain
Generate a band-limited
random signal of a particular maximum time, `tmax`.
such that a box car function is applied in the time domain
function get_random_tmax_signal(;
Expand All @@ -18,44 +22,44 @@ function get_random_tmax_signal(;
dist::Symbol=:gaussian # distribution type

# initialize outputs
S = fill(complex(0.0,0.0),fgrid.nx);
Sreal = fill(0.0,fgrid.nx);
s = fill(complex(0.0,0.0),fgrid.nx);

Δf = 1.0 / tmax
Δf <= fgrid.δx ? error("sampling smaller than grid sampling") :
Δf >= (fmax-fmin) ? error("need to increase tmax") :
fvec = [f for f in fmin:Δf:fmax]
ifvec = fill(0, size(fvec))

println("number of frequencies added to signal:\t", size(fvec,1))
println("interval between random variable:\t", Δf)
println("minimum frequency added to signal\t",minimum(fvec))
println("maximum frequency added to signal\t",maximum(fvec))
for iff in eachindex(fvec)
ifvec[iff] = indmin((fgrid.x - fvec[iff]).^2.0)
# initialize outputs
S = fill(complex(0.0,0.0),fgrid.nx);
Sreal = fill(0.0,fgrid.nx);
s = fill(complex(0.0,0.0),fgrid.nx);

Δf = 1.0 / tmax
Δf <= fgrid.δx ? error("sampling smaller than grid sampling") :
Δf >= (fmax-fmin) ? error("need to increase tmax") :
fvec = [f for f in fmin:Δf:fmax]
ifvec = fill(0, size(fvec))

println("number of frequencies added to signal:\t", size(fvec,1))
println("interval between random variable:\t", Δf)
println("minimum frequency added to signal\t",minimum(fvec))
println("maximum frequency added to signal\t",maximum(fvec))
for iff in eachindex(fvec)
ifvec[iff] = indmin((fgrid.x - fvec[iff]).^2.0)

if(dist == :gaussian)
X = randn(size(fvec));
elseif(dist == :uniform)
X = rand(Uniform(-2.0, 2.0), size(fvec))
error("invalid dist")
if(dist == :gaussian)
X = randn(size(fvec));
elseif(dist == :uniform)
X = rand(Uniform(-2.0, 2.0), size(fvec))
error("invalid dist")

for iff in eachindex(fvec)
Sreal += X[iff] .* sinc(tmax.*(abs(fgrid.x - fgrid.x[ifvec[iff]])))
for iff in eachindex(fvec)
Sreal += X[iff] .* sinc(tmax.*(abs(fgrid.x - fgrid.x[ifvec[iff]])))

S = complex.(Sreal, 0.0);
S = complex.(Sreal, 0.0);

# remove mean
#S[1] = 0.0;
s = ifft(S);
# remove mean
#S[1] = 0.0;
s = ifft(S);

return S, s
return S, s


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58 changes: 31 additions & 27 deletions src/Gallery.jl
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Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,19 @@ Gallery of `Seismic` models.
* `attrib=:seismic_marmousi2_box2` : box for surface seismic studies
function Seismic(attrib::Symbol, δ::Float64=0.0)
if((attrib == :acou_homo1) | (attrib == :acou_homo2))
if((attrib == :acou_homo1))
vp0 = [1500., 3500.] # bounds for vp
vs0 = [1.0, 1.0] # dummy
ρ0 = [1500., 3500.] # density bounds
mgrid = M2D(attrib)
model= Models.Seismic(vp0, vs0, ρ0,
fill(0.0, (, mgrid.nx)),
fill(0.0, (, mgrid.nx)),
fill(0.0, (, mgrid.nx)),

elseif((attrib == :acou_homo2))
vp0 = [1700., 2300.] # bounds for vp
vs0 = [1.0, 1.0] # dummy
ρ0 = [1700., 2300.] # density bounds
Expand All @@ -91,44 +103,34 @@ function Seismic(attrib::Symbol, δ::Float64=0.0)
vs, h= IO.readsu(joinpath(marmousi_folder,""))
ρ, h= IO.readsu(joinpath(marmousi_folder,""))
vp .*= 1000.; vs .*= 1000.; #ρ .*=1000
bound=0.1; vp0=zeros(2); vs0=zeros(2); ρ0=zeros(2);
boundvp=bound*mean(vp); boundvs=bound*mean(vs); boundρ=bound*mean(ρ);
vp0[1] = ((minimum(vp) - boundvp)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(vp) - boundvp)
vp0[2] = maximum(vp)+boundvp
vs0[1] = ((minimum(vs) - boundvs)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(vs) - boundvs)
vs0[2] = maximum(vs)+boundvs
ρ0[1] = ((minimum(ρ) - boundρ)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(ρ) - boundρ)
ρ0[2] = maximum(ρ)+boundρ
ρ0=Models.bounds(ρ, bfrac);
mgrid = Grid.M2D(0., 17000., 0., 3500.,size(vp,2),size(vp,1),40)
model= Models.Seismic(vp0, vs0, ρ0, Models.χ(vp,vp0,1), Models.χ(vs,vs0,1), Models.χ(ρ,ρ0,1), mgrid)
elseif(attrib == :seismic_marmousi2_high_res)
vp, h= IO.readsu(joinpath(marmousi_folder,""))
vs, h= IO.readsu(joinpath(marmousi_folder,""))
ρ, h= IO.readsu(joinpath(marmousi_folder,""))
vp .*= 1000.; vs .*= 1000.; #ρ .*=1000
bound=0.1; vp0=zeros(2); vs0=zeros(2); ρ0=zeros(2);
boundvp=bound*mean(vp); boundvs=bound*mean(vs); boundρ=bound*mean(ρ);
vp0[1] = ((minimum(vp) - boundvp)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(vp) - boundvp)
vp0[2] = maximum(vp)+boundvp
vs0[1] = ((minimum(vs) - boundvs)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(vs) - boundvs)
vs0[2] = maximum(vs)+boundvs
ρ0[1] = ((minimum(ρ) - boundρ)<0.0) ? 0.0 : (minimum(ρ) - boundρ)
ρ0[2] = maximum(ρ)+boundρ
ρ0=Models.bounds(ρ, bfrac);
mgrid = Grid.M2D(0., 17000., 0., 3500.,size(vp,2),size(vp,1),40)
model= Models.Seismic(vp0, vs0, ρ0, Models.χ(vp,vp0,1), Models.χ(vs,vs0,1), Models.χ(ρ,ρ0,1), mgrid)

elseif(attrib == :seismic_marmousi2_box1)
mgrid=Grid.M2D(8500.,9500., 1000., 2000.,5.,5.,40)
Models.Seismic_interp_spray!(Seismic(:seismic_marmousi2), marm_box1, :interp, :B1)
model= marm_box1
model= Models.adjust_bounds!(marm_box1, bfrac)
elseif(attrib == :seismic_marmousi2_box2)
marm_full = Seismic(:seismic_marmousi2)
mgrid=Grid.M2D(5000.,13000., marm_full.mgrid.z[1],
mgrid=Grid.M2D(6000.,12000., marm_full.mgrid.z[1],
marm_full.mgrid.z[end] ,5.,5.,40)
Models.Seismic_interp_spray!(marm_full, marm_box2, :interp, :B1)
model= marm_box2
model= Models.adjust_bounds!(marm_box2, bfrac)
error("invalid attrib")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ The sources and receivers are not placed anywhere on the edges of the mesh.
* `mgrid::Grid.M2D` : a 2-D mesh
* `attrib::Symbol` : attribute decides output
* `=:xwell` cross-well acquisition
* `=:surf` cross-well; but sources and receivers at unequal depths
* `=:surf` surface acquisition
* `=:vsp` vertical seismic profiling
* `=:rvsp` reverse vertical seismic profiling
* `=:downhole` downhole sources and receivers
Expand All @@ -165,18 +167,20 @@ The sources and receivers are not placed anywhere on the edges of the mesh.
function Geom(mgrid::Grid.M2D, attrib::Symbol; nss=2, nr=2, rand_flags=[false, false])
otx=(0.9*mgrid.x[1]+0.1*mgrid.x[end]); ntx=(0.1*mgrid.x[1]+0.9*mgrid.x[end]);
otwx=(0.95*mgrid.x[1]+0.05*mgrid.x[end]); ntwx=(0.05*mgrid.x[1]+0.95*mgrid.x[end]);
otz=(0.9*mgrid.z[1]+0.1*mgrid.z[end]); ntz=(0.1*mgrid.z[1]+0.9*mgrid.z[end]);
otwz=(0.95*mgrid.z[1]+0.05*mgrid.z[end]); ntwz=(0.05*mgrid.z[1]+0.95*mgrid.z[end]);
quatx = (0.75*mgrid.x[1]+0.25*mgrid.x[end]); quatz = (0.75*mgrid.z[1]+0.25*mgrid.z[end])
tquatx = (0.25*mgrid.x[1]+0.75*mgrid.x[end]); tquatz = (0.25*mgrid.z[1]+0.75*mgrid.z[end])
halfx = 0.5*(mgrid.x[1]+mgrid.x[end]); halfz = 0.5*(mgrid.z[1]+mgrid.z[end]);
if(attrib == :xwell)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otz, ntz, otx, otz, ntz, ntx, nss, nr, :vertical, :vertical, rand_flags)
elseif(attrib == :surf)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otx, ntx, otz, otx, ntx, otz, nss, nr, :horizontal, :horizontal, rand_flags)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otx, ntx, otwz, otx, ntx, otwz, nss, nr, :horizontal, :horizontal, rand_flags)
elseif(attrib == :vsp)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otx, ntx, otz, otz, ntz, otx, nss, nr, :horizontal, :vertical, rand_flags)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otx, ntx, otwz, otz, ntz, otx, nss, nr, :horizontal, :vertical, rand_flags)
elseif(attrib == :rvsp)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otz, ntz, otx, otx, ntx, otz, nss, nr, :vertical, :horizontal, rand_flags)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(otz, ntz, otx, otx, ntx, otwz, nss, nr, :vertical, :horizontal, rand_flags)
elseif(attrib == :downhole)
geom=Acquisition.Geom_fixed(quatz, otz, quatx, quatz, otz, quatx, nss, nr, :vertical, :vertical, rand_flags)
Expand All @@ -199,15 +203,15 @@ Gallery of source signals `Src`.
function Src(attrib::Symbol, nss::Int64=1)
if(attrib == :acou_homo1)
tgrid = M1D(attrib)
wav = Wavelets.ricker(fqdom=10.0, tgrid=tgrid, tpeak=0.25, )
wav = Wavelets.ricker(10.0, tgrid, tpeak=0.25, )
return Acquisition.Src_fixed(nss, 1, 1, wav, tgrid)
elseif(attrib == :acou_homo2)
tgrid = M1D(attrib)
wav = Wavelets.ricker(fqdom=3.0, tgrid=tgrid, tpeak=0.3, )
wav = Wavelets.ricker(3.0, tgrid, tpeak=0.3, )
return Acquisition.Src_fixed(nss, 1, 1, wav, tgrid)
elseif(attrib == :vecacou_homo1)
tgrid = M1D(:acou_homo1)
wav = Wavelets.ricker(fqdom=10.0, tgrid=tgrid, tpeak=0.25, )
wav = Wavelets.ricker(10.0, tgrid, tpeak=0.25, )
return Acquisition.Src_fixed(nss, 1, 3, wav, tgrid)
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Interferometry.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ function TD_virtual_diff(
# central wavelength (use zero for testing)
println(string("dominant wavelength in the data:\t",λdom))

rx = Array(Vector{Float64}, nur); rz = Array(Vector{Float64}, nur);
datmat = zeros(2*nt-1, nur, nur, data.nfield);
rx = Array{Vector{Float64}}(nur); rz = Array{Vector{Float64}}(nur);
datmat = zeros(nur, data.nfield, 2*nt-1, nur);
for ifield =1:data.nfield
# loop over virtual sources
for irs = 1:nur
Expand All @@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ function TD_virtual_diff(
# stacking over these sources
for isson=1:length(sson)
if(sson[isson] != [0])
datmat[:, ir, irs, ifield] +=
datmat[ir, ifield,:,irs] +=
datan.d[isson,ifield][:, sson[isson][2]],
datan.d[isson,ifield][:, sson[isson][1]])
# normalize depending on the stack
nsson != 0 ? datmat[:, ir, irs, ifield] /= nsson : nothing
nsson != 0 ? datmat[ ir, ifield, :, irs] /= nsson : nothing
if(irvec != [])
Expand All @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function TD_virtual_diff(
sz = [[urpos[1][irs]] for irs in 1:nur];

# bool array acoording to undef
ars = [isdefined(rx,irs) ? true : false for irs=1:nur];
ars = [isassigned(rx,irs) ? true : false for irs=1:nur];

# select only positions that are active
rx = rx[ars]; rz = rz[ars];
Expand Down

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