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Releases: payne911/PieMenu

New flag for PieWidget

05 Oct 23:11
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  • Fixed RadialGroup#isWithinInnerRadius so that it takes into account the totalDegreesDrawn.
  • Added RadialGroup#isWithinDrawnAngle.
  • Added RadialGroup#isInnerRadiusBlockingPropagation.
  • (NOT BACKWARD-COMPATIBLE) Added a new flag: hitThroughInnerRadius (for PieWidget). Default value: true. This changes the way PieWidget#hit behaves: it isn't based on the presence of a background or background color anymore. If you don't want your hit to reach Actors behind your innerRadius, set this value to false.
  • (NOT BACKWARD-COMPATIBLE) Renamed PieWidget#isBackgroundHit to PieWidget#isInnerRadiusBlockingPropagation. This is a more appropriate (less misleading) method name based on the new behavior described in the last point.
  • Minor optimizations for #findChildIndexAtStage (in both RadialGroup and PieMenu).
  • Minor JavaDoc tweaks.

WebDemo updated to use v5.0.0.

For people transitioning from v4, the main difference is with the behavior of the inner radius part: it used to block or not the propagation of the hit method to Actors below it depending on the presence or not of a style.background or style.backgroundColor. Now, this has been adjusted to allow more flexibility: use the hitThroughInnerRadius flag. It only applies to PieWidget and PieMenu, and in both cases really only mostly matters if you were not using any of the "drag" behaviors (that is, you allow the user to release it's mouse-click before letting them select an option).

Basically, if you can't notice any difference when you click in the innerRadius of your toy, then you're good to go! :)

Fixed GWT build, Animated aren't deprecated anymore

02 Oct 19:32
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  • Fixed the pooled classes (PieMenuHighlightChangeEvent and PieMenuHoverChangeEvent) not working on the GWT platform.
  • The Animated classes aren't classified as deprecated anymore. It was confusing at best.
  • Micro-optimization for the layout() function.
  • Minor JavaDoc tweaks.
  • Non-breaking refactor of the Animated classes (extracted interfaces to reduce code duplication).

Also, I updated the WebDemo to use v4.3.0 and tweaked some settings to make it much cleaner.

Performance improvements, 2 bug-fixes, more defaults

18 Apr 22:30
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  • Fixed a bug related to the globalAlphaMultiplier attribute.
  • Fixed a bug related to centerOn methods and some Viewports.
  • Performance improvement: Events (Callbacks/Highlight/Selection/etc.) are now Pooled.
  • Added a default Color (black) for the following PieWidgetStyle attributes: separatorColor and circumferenceColor.
  • Added a Testing Menu so that Contributors can more easily test their implementations.
  • Added the NO_SELECTION constant in PieMenu.
  • Added a new "code example": NestedClickDrag.
  • Minor JavaDoc tweaks and improvements.
  • Updated ShapeDrawer version to v2.3.0.

Feature addition: AnimatedRadialGroup

12 Jan 20:12
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  1. Fixed and improved some JavaDoc
  2. Added an AnimatedRadialGroup class
  3. Renamed a local variable so that it reflects more properly what it designated

Introducing PieWidget, and removing Batch from constructors

12 Nov 01:50
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  • A Batch does not need to be passed to the constructors anymore.
  • Introduced PieWidget in the new design: the RadialGroup now doesn't deal in any way with the ShapeDrawer.
  • getMaxDiameter has been renamed to getCurrentDiameter.
  • getMaxRadius has been renamed to getCurrentRadius.
  • minRadius has been renamed to preferredRadius.
  • Introduced a new individuals demo (named "RadialButtons") to showcase the new RadialGroup class.
  • Changed the way the scene2d hit method works with the widget.
  • Fixed the hit for when a contained Actor extends beyond the limits of the widget itself.
  • Fixed RadialGroup containing other PieMenu.
  • Fixed non-regular width and height values on Animated widgets.
  • Fixed centerOnActor method used on an Actor that was contained within a Group.

Now compatible with Drawable backgrounds

03 Nov 17:09
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  • Fixed "floating" Group that contained RadialGroup.
  • More efficient evaluation for the reset of the hover on mouse-exit.
  • The background image can now be a Drawable as well (but keep in mind that Drawable cannot be rotated).

Reworked API

30 Oct 02:55
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This should have been v1, but we are all learning! Many API changes were made since v2: check out the logs from the release-candidates of v3 for more info (v3.0.0-rc1 and v3.0.0-rc2).

  • Hotfix for rotateBy()
  • Hotfix for overlapping menus
  • Updated ShapeDrawer to v2.0.3 (fixes some crashes)
  • Shorter way of integrating the library for GWT
  • Renamed PieMenuClickListener to PieMenuListener

Should now be a stable API.

19 Oct 18:11
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  • Introduced a new behavior-flag: middleCancel determines if releasing a click from within the inner-radius will trigger the extended selection or the defaultIndex selection.
  • ChildRegion is now referred to as Slice throughout the API.
  • Style variables now have shorter names that resemble the ButtonStyle naming.
  • setDefaultIndex now changes the selectedIndex if it isn't a valid index.
  • The complementary callbacks (highlight and hover) are now regrouped within PieMenuCallbacks.
  • Integrated rotations: scene2d's rotateBy() method is now supported.
  • radius has been renamed to minRadius since it is now a suggested radius for the minimal radius value. In case setFillParent(true) or other size-changing methods are used (Table's fill, for example), the widget will now expand as a scene2d user would expect it to.
  • innerRadius now designates a percentage of the radius, instead of an amount of pixels.
  • Fixed the flicker resulting from hovering out of a contained Actor.
  • selectedColor now used by default if no downColor was set: this is to prevent a flicker when clicking.
  • Fixed a few Animated constructors.
  • The ShapeDrawer is now instantiated internally.
  • The default rules used by ShapeDrawer to determine the amount of sides to draw is now internally overridden with an improved algorithm.
  • Added an example for adding Keyboard-Key-Mapping (selection through keyboard) on a PieMenu.

Major refactor : testing some stuff before a release

10 Oct 22:45
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  • Refactored the Style so that most of the float values (radius and the likes) have become class-attributes instead.
  • Many more constructors available. Basic float properties (radius and the likes) are now integrated in the constructors.
  • PieMenuSuggestedClickListener renamed to PieMenuClickListener and is now added by default. A setter is provided to change this ClickListener to a custom one.
  • Added callbacks for mouse-over. Added the corresponding hoveredChildRegionColor and hoveredAndSelectedChildRegionColor to the PieMenuStyle.
  • Added highlightedChildRegionColor in the PieMenuStyle.
  • The PieMenuClickListener now triggers a highlight on touchDown rather than waiting for the mouse to move after the initial click.
  • The complementary callbacks (highlight and hover) are now regrouped within PieMenuAdditionalChangeListener.
  • HighlightChangeListener renamed to PieMenuHighlightChangeListener and now extends EventListener. Removed the associated getter and setter: now addListener() should be used for that too.
  • Widgets now start with their visibility set to true (it used to be false): this is to remain closer to scene2d's expected behavior.
  • Changed the Actor-sizing algorithm (and thus fixed it for low innerRadius values).
  • Integrated the propagation of the alpha from parent to children. Use the setGlobalAlphaMultiplier(float) method to do so.
  • Fix for Widgets contained within a Table.
  • Fix of the PieMenuStyle Colors-duplication.
  • Style's Circumference values now include the innerRadius value.
  • New API methods to allow more customization: getActorDistanceFromCenter, getEstimatedRadiusAt and adjustActorSize can be changed to be whatever you want.
  • Removed from the API the @Deprecated methods which should have been implemented by the users themselves anyway. This is reflected in the corresponding code-examples.

Early access to animations

04 Oct 00:57
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This integration is just to provide people with a basic animation. It will be refactored in the future, hence the deprecated flag on the newly-introduced classes.