A simple AppleScript that you can bind to a hotkey to toggle microphone mute/unmute globally, without needing to find the Google Meets tab or Zoom window, useful if you really need to mute at a moments notice but you can't find it in a sea of 50 other tabs and countless windows.
By default, it sets microphone output level to 0% on mute, and sets output level to 75% on unmute.
Place the "Global Toggle Microphone Mute" workflow in your Services folder:
Finder Navigation Bar > Go > Go to Folder:
Replace 'your-user-name' in this path below with your computer username and then paste it inside the Go to Folder:
Go to Settings > Keyboard > Shortcut > Services to find Global Toggle Microphone Mute on the list, then set a hotkey for it. Set it to something unique that other applications aren't using so it doesn't interfere.