Generate a docker Ubuntu based image for Alfresco Community v5.2.0 with Alfresco Share v5.2.f (see
The Dockerfile builds from "dockerfile/ubuntu" see
- Installs "ubuntu-desktop" required for Alfresco transformation
- Dockerfile defines an "ENTRYPOINT" performing following configurations when containter is started first:
- Reduces system.content.orphanProtectDays to 1. Goal, saving space by reducing how long "orphan" content is kept.
- Disable "deletedContentBackupListener" transfering deleted content files to "contentstore.deleted" no need to empty the folder manually to recuperate physical space.
- reinitialize the initial repo password or "admin" to value of the INITIAL_PASS env variable passed when container initialy started
- disable solr encription between solr and alfresco for small cpu gain. solr and alfresco backend are installed on same server.
- starts Alfresco
- Environment variables having name starting with "ALF_xxx" that are passed using the -e options will be copied or value updated in "". Example: -e ALF_22=share.protocol=https will indicate that protocol for share is https and configuration line will be inserted or updated accordingly in ""
- Subsequent container start is only starting Alfresco adding or updating configuration passed using -e ALF_xxx=conf line. A configuration example on how to pass configuration to Alfresco within the container is included. See:
- Configured alfrescoprotectnode to protect some "well known" nodes against acidental deletion.
- Some support for dockercloud is included. It allows fast deployment of containers in the cloud on Azure, Digital Ocean, AWS, and SoftLayer.
cd _folder-containing-Dockerfile_
sudo docker build -t _image-name_ .
sudo docker build -t alfresco-5.2.0 .
A more complete example is located here
sudo docker run -d -e INITIAL_PASS=_initial-pass_ -t -i -p 8443:8443 _image-name_
sudo docker run -d -e INITIAL_PASS=admun -t -i -p 8443:8443 alfresco-5.2.0
Fortunately you can download the pre build image from the corresponding docker hub automatic build using the following command.
docker pull pdubois/docker-alfresco
Values for jvm heap size can be specified using the "XMX" and "XMS" parameters. "XMX" value corresponds to the "-XmxM" and "XMS" to "-XmsM". Default values for for Xmx and Xms are both 2048M.
sudo docker run -d -e INITIAL_PASS=admun -e XMS=1024 -e XMX=5120 -t -i -p 8443:8443 alfresco-5.2.0
sudo docker stop -t <SECONDS> <CONTAINER ID>
The above command will stop your container with a grace period of SECONDS. Grace period gives the opportunity to alfresco process to stop gracefully ( example: flushing buffers). The “” script executed while starting traps SIGTERM signal and calls execute “/opt/alfresco/ stop” when container is stopped.
Exit code of the container can be checked using following command:
sudo docker inspect -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' <CONTAINER ID>
Under normal circumstance exit code should be “0”. Reasonable value for "SECONDS" is 60.
- First register with dockercloud
- bring in your own node in dockercloud.
- Install dockercloud CLI. Tested using the docker deployement of dockercloud CLI image therefore you need docker installed on the host used to deploy (probably your laptop).
- Get from dockercloud your DOCKERCLOUD_USER and your DOCKERCLOUD_PASS.
- Get
- Replace with your DOCKERCLOUD_USER and your DOCKERCLOUD_PASS.
- Make "" executable and execute it!
The approach applied is to use dedicated container for volume sharing between host and container.
Decide where to locate your content, index and database files on your host and create directory for it.
mkdir /home/phil/compose/alf_data
Creating the container for content, index and database pointing to the folder created in Step1
docker create -v /home/phil/compose/alf_data:/opt/alfresco/alf_data --name phil-volumes ubuntu /bin/true
- The above container does not run anything, it has to exist and publishes a volume (-v internal-container-path:host-path).
- With "-v /home/phil/compose/alf_data:/opt/alfresco/alf_data" defines a mapping between container and host file system. "/home/phil/compose/alf_data" is the path to "alf_data" from inside the container and "/opt/alfresco/alf_data" the path to same "alf_data" on your host.
Start your container using volume from container created on "Step 2"
docker run -d -e INITIAL_PASS=admun \
-e \
put your options here...
--volumes-from phil-volumes \
-t -i -p 8450:8443 pdubois/docker-alfresco
- The created container will be throw-away containers/disposable because all the Alfresco related data state (index, DB and content) is located under "/opt/alfresco/alf_data" on the container.
- The rest of the state is Alfresco deployment related (configuration files, Tomcat server, DB server ...) is located in the image (pdubois/docker-alfresco in this example) or in specific options (-e < ... >). Therefore a container instance can be restarted using the similar "docker run ..." command eventually with different options if different configuration is required.
- To create a backup, you only need to backup what is located under your "data" directory on the host ( /opt/alfresco/alf_data in the example ).
The same can be achieved using a single command "docker-compose":
The "./yml-with-volumes/docker-compose.yml" under stack descriptor can be used as follows
version: '3'
image: "pdubois/docker-alfresco:master"
- ${INDEX_AND_DATA}:/opt/alfresco/alf_data
- "8443"
Adjust value in of "INDEX_AND_DATA" in ".env" file to indicate your index, content and DB files location on your host. From the "./yml-with-volumes" folder start stack with
sudo docker-compose up
Depending on the environment variable CONTAINER_FUNCTION value passed when running container your container will run Alfresco and postgres together if CONTAINER_FUNCTION is undefined. If CONTAINER_FUNCTION equals tomcat it will start tomcat with Alfresco deployed but no DB. DB will run in a separate container called postgres3 in the example here under. Database creation script will be ran from the "tomcat" container when started initially.
To run this example a dedicated docker network will be created (see:
# create a dedicated network to run in isolation
docker network create --driver bridge isolated_nw
# starting db tier on the network
docker run --network=isolated_nw --name postgres3 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres:9.4.4
# starting Alfresco tier
docker run --network=isolated_nw -d -e INITIAL_PASS=admun -e CONTAINER_FUNCTION=tomcat -e ALF_1='db.url.EQ.jdbc:postgresql:\/\/postgres3:5432\/${}' -e ALF_2='db.password.EQ.mysecretpassword' -e DB_CONTAINER_NAME=postgres3 -e ALF_3='db.username.EQ.postgres' -t -i -p 8443 alfresco
Alternatively, you can use docker-compose to start database container and Alfresco tier in one single command. Here under the docker-compose.yml file content:
version: '2'
image: "pdubois/docker-alfresco:master"
- "8443"
- ALF_1=db.url.EQ.jdbc:postgresql:\/\/postgres:5432\/alfresco
- ALF_2=db.password.EQ.mysecretpassword
- ALF_3=db.username.EQ.postgres
- postgres
image: postgres:9.4.4
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
To start the stack in a single command:
docker-compose up
A more complete example including search server 1.0.0 based on SOLR6 can be found here
The folder nginx-alfresco-80 contains a yml file starting Alfresco on port 80 havin nginx in front of it.
Before starting it with "docker-compose up" host name you are deploying to should be set in ".env" file.