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Android solution to track Volunteer activities in the field

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###RealTrack ####Android solution to track Peace Corps Volunteer activities in the field

Build Status


Project Screens

![All projects](screens/all_projects.png?raw=true All projects) ![Add/Edit project - required fields](screens/addproject_required.png?raw=true Add/Edit project - Required fields) ![Add/Edit project - optional fields](screens/addproject_optional.png?raw=true Add/Edit project - Optional fields) ![Project details](screens/project_details.png?raw=true Project details)

Activities screens

![Add/Edit activity - required fields](screens/addactivity_required.png?raw=true Add/Edit activity - Required fields) ![Add/Edit activity - optional fields](screens/addactivity_optional.png?raw=true Add/Edit activity - Optional fields) ![Add/Edit activity - reminders](screens/addactivity_reminders.png?raw=true Add/Edit activity - Reminders) ![Activity Details](screens/activity_details.png?raw=true Activity details)

Recording Participations screens

![Record participation - required fields](screens/recordparticipation_required.png?raw=true Record-participation - Required fields) ![Record participation - optional fields](screens/recordparticipation_optional.png?raw=true Record-participation - Optional fields) ![Participation details](screens/participation_details.png?raw=true Participation details)


![Sign-in - details](screens/signin_details.png?raw=true Sign-in - details) ![Sign-in - signature](screens/signin_signature.png?raw=true Sign-in - signature)

App Features

  • Streamlined and clean interface
  • Repeating or non-repeating activities
  • Daily/weekly reminders to record data for repeating activities
  • Quickly record participations for non-repeating activities
  • Review and change participation details from within app
  • Spreadsheet reports emailed to user on demand
  • Sign-in sheets with finger-drawn signatures for event participants
  • PDF export of signatures that can be emailed as proof of participant involvement
  • New: transfer reports to your laptop using Bluetooth


This is a project started at the Random Hacks of Kindness (part of the National Civic Day of Hacking) event at Atlanta, GA on 6/1-2/2013.

RealTrack is an Android smartphone application designed to facilitate day-to-day data collection by Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) in the field. This app is based on an idea suggested by Julia Schulkers, who is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, for the Peace Corps Innovation Challenge.

Notes for Developers


In addition to the Android SDK Platform (API 17 is targeted but you can use a more recent one), you will need

  • Android SDK Tools found under Tools in the SDK Manager (e.g. v 23.0.2)
  • Android SDK Platform-tools found under Tools in the SDK Manager (e.g. >= v 20)
  • Android SDK Build-tools found under Tools in the SDK Manager (use 19.0.3 if you plan to use Travis as that is the most recent version they have as of 07/14/2014. Or else you can use a more recent one)
  • Gradle 1.11 (if you would like to use gradle to build the project)

This repo will provide the following external libraries for you:

  • ActionBarSherlock
  • GridLayout v7
  • PagerSlidingTabStrip
  • Support Library v4
  • AChartEngine

Installation for development

  1. Clone this repository into a temporary location:
temp$> git clone

This will create the directory temp/realtrack-android. 2. Open Eclipse. File -> Import -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace. Put the path of the temp/realtrack-android directory created in step 1 into the Root Folder field of the Eclipse dialog. 3. Import the following four projects (you will see these names in the 'New Project Name' column of the 'Projects' field). Make sure the Copy projects into workspace checkbox is selected before you do this.:

  • RealTrack
  • ActionBarSherlock
  • GridLayout
  • PagerSlidingTabStrip
  1. Thus, after step 3, the workspace directory layout should look like this:
    |___ ActionBarSherlock
    |___ GridLayout
    |___ PagerSlidingTabStrip
    |___ RealTrack
  1. Double-check the following:

    • ActionBarSherlock, GridLayout, PagerSlidingTabStrip are set up as Library projects (check via right click on project name -> Properties -> Android -> isLibrary (should be checked))
    • RealTrack references each of those projects (check via right click on project name -> Properties -> Android -> Library (the three projects should show up as references))
  2. If you have gradle, you can issue a build (or any other gradle task) from the RealTrack directory, e.g.:

workspace/RealTrack>$ ./gradlew assembleDebug

Note that gradle assumes you either have a file in your project directory or the environment variable ANDROID_HOME set. If you followed the 5 steps listed above, Eclipse would have generated the file for you. However, if you skip those steps, please make sure to either:

  • (recommended method) generate a file using the command:
workspace/RealTrack>$ android update project -s -t android-17 -p .
in the RealTrack project root. You can change the `android-17` part to target another platform version. OR
  • set the ANDROID_HOME variable to your android installation directory

External Libraries Used

  • ActionBarSherlock
  • AChartEngine
  • iText-G Android PDF
  • PagerSlidingTabStrip


Android solution to track Volunteer activities in the field






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