There two way to deploy PenX:
- Deploy with PenX One-click tools (recommended). Deploy now
- Deploy with source code. Deploy now
- Framework: Next.js
- UI: Tailwindcss && shadcn
- Database: Cloudflare D1
- Object Storage: Cloudflare R2
- Deployment: Cloudflare Pages
To develop PenX locally, follow these steps:
1.Clone the repository:
git clone
2.Initial setup: run the following commands for the first time:
pnpm install
pnpm run db:generate
pnpm run db:migrate:prod
3.Start local server:
pnpm dev
Your local server will be available at http://localhost:3000
4.Preview local database:
pnpm run db:studio:local
Explore these example blogs created with PenX:
This project is open-source and contributions are welcome. Join the community to help enhance PenX for writers everywhere.
For any issues or suggestions, please visit our GitHub Issues page.