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Using tar with lrzip next

Peter Hyman edited this page Jul 7, 2023 · 3 revisions

lrzip-next and tar

While lrzip-next offers the lrztar command, using tar directly and invoking lrzip-next with the --use-compress-program|-I command is far more useful.


tar -I "lrzip-next [lrzip options]" -cf file.tar.lrz [ tar options ] tar files/directories
tar -I "lrzip-next [lrzip options]" -xf file.tar.lrz [ tar options ] tar files/directories
tar -I "lrzip-next [lrzip options]" -tf file.tar.lrz [ tar options ] tar files/directories

where the lrzip-next commands are surrounded by quotes. Create and Decompress lrzip-next options are not needed and are passed by tar. The tar -t option is particularly interesting since it will list out the contents of the lrz file.

Useful lrzip-next options under tar

lrzip-next function lrzip-next command
compression methods --lzma, bzip, gzip, rzip, lzo, zpaq, bzip3, zstd
compression levels -L [1-9]
rzip compression level -R [1-9]
turn off threshold testing -T
turn on threshold percent testing -T##
pre-compression filtering --x86, --arm, --armt, --ppc, --sparc, --ia64, --delta [1-32]
verbosity -v[v]
quiet -q
show progress -P

Useful tar options when using lrzip-next

tar function tar command
create an archive -cf file.tar.lrz
decompress an archive -xf file.tar.lrz
test/list an archive -tf file.tar.lrz
verbosity -v[v]
change directory -C dirname
absolute names (don't strip leading '') -P
strip leading components --strip-components=##

See also Piping with lrzip-next