Simple Interactive Calendar Tool for MATLAB
launches a calendar widget to select a date/time
function newTime = uigetdatetime(varargin)
launches a calendar widget with the current date and time as the initially selected date/time at 0 hrs offset from UTC
newTime = uigetdatetime('displayTime',t)
launches a calendar widget with t
as the initially selected date/time at 0 hrs offset from UTC where t
is a matlab serial date (datenum), datestring (datestr), or datetime object
newTime = uigetdatetime('displayTime',t,'displayTimeZone',tz)
launches a calendar width with t
as the initially selected date/time with UTC offset associated with string tz
where tz is a java timezone string. to see a list of allowed timezones: tzList = cell(java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs)
copyleft 2018 Peter Cook (peter dot cook AT colorado dot edu) with help from yair altman (altmany at gmail dot com)