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Posterr Configuration

Matt P edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 31 revisions

Following is a description of each setup option. Options with a '*' are mandatory.

Also see the Example Configurations for common use cases.

General Options

Option Description
Password Settings page password
*Slide duration How long (in seconds) a slide will be shown for. (suggest 10-30 seconds)
Enable background artwork Shows media artwork in a faded background behind the poster
TV themes ON / OFF Enable to play TV theme tunes. (note: some TV themes are unavailable)
Movie themes ON / OFF Enable to play theme.mp3 file from your movie file (if present)
Custom picture themes ON / OFF Enable to play themes and FX for custom picture (if present)
Slide Transitions Slide / Fade The slide transition effect.
Shuffle slides On-demand (slides by libraries), coming soon (Sonarr), and coming soon (Radarr) slides will be shuffled when on. When off, they display in the aforementioned order. 'Now screening/Playing' always displays at the start of the cycle.
Remove settings links ON / OFF Removes all clickable links for settings page. If set, you will need to add /settings in the address bar.
Theatre room mode ON / OFF Will blank screen when anything is playing. (Must also have now screening enabled)

Sleep Timer

Option Description
Enable sleep timer This will allow screen to be blanks and background jobs to be suspended
Sleep start time Set the time to start the sleep timer. (24 hour time hh:mm)
Sleep end time Set the time to end the sleep timer. (24 hour time hh:mm)

If you set your password to nothing, then you will not see a login screen for settings. (Only do this for local installs)

UI Customisation

Option Description
Colours Select custom colours for Title, Tagline, and Background
Title fonts This Lets you select different fonts to use for the slide title.
Alternate Title Text Allows you to change the text of slide titles. Leave blank for default values.

Plex Options

Option Description
*HTTPS connection ON / OFF If your Plex server requires a secure connections (leave this off if using a reverse proxy, or if you do not a have an SSL certificate and domain for Plex)
*Server IP The IP or domain name for Plex (exclude HTTP/HTTPS)
*Server port The port Plex uses (default is 32400)
*Plex token Token required to access Plex. (Finding a Plex token)

Custom Pictures

Option Description
Enabled Enable or disable custom pictures
Theme Folder Select the default or other folders (if you have added these)

Details for custom pictures are HERE

Now Screening

Option Description
Pin now screening / now playing If something is playing, then these are the only slides that will display
Hide user info Hides user and device names in Now Screening details
Filter by device(s) Specify devices that you only want displayed (comma separated)
Filter by user(s) Filter by user names (comma separated)
Network boundary - Local Show local devices
Network boundary - Remote Show remote devices


Option Description
Plex Libraries for On-demand titles Enter the Plex library name(s) to use for on-demand slides. Comma-separated if multiple libraries. (Leave this blank if you do not want on-demand slides)
Number to display The number of random titles to display, per-library, for on-demand slides (avoid going over 200 'combined' slides for all libraries, or may cause excessive polling on Plex server.)
On-demand refresh period The refresh period in minutes before a new set of random titles are loaded
Genres Lets you filter on-demand titles by genre. (Due to a Plex query limitation, only the first 2 genres applied to a title are searchable by Posterr

Sonarr Options (v3 only)

Option Description
Sonarr token The Sonarr API key required for accessing Sonarr.
Sonarr URL The full URL and Port for your Sonarr installation.
Days ahead The number of days to look ahead in the Sonarr calendar for titles. Set this low number, like 3-5, if Show Premieres is off. Alternatively, up to 60+ days is fine if on.
Show premieres ON / OFF Only season premieres will be shown

Radarr Options

Option Description
Radarr token The Radarr API key required for accessing Radarr.
Radarr URL The full URL and Port for your Radarr installation.
Days ahead The number of days to look ahead in the Radarr calendar for titles.

Readarr Options

Option Description
Readarr token The Readarr API key required for accessing Readarr.
Readarr URL The full URL and Port for your Readarr installation.
Days ahead The number of days to look ahead in the Readarr calendar for books.

Trivia Options

Option Description
Enabled Switch Enables or disables the trivia feature
Trivia timer This is the number of seconds for the countdown for each question, until the answer is shown
Number of questions This is the number of questions that will display for each trivia category you select
Question categories Select the trivia question categories that you wish to display
Question refresh frequency How often, in minutes, that a new set of questions will be retrieved

If you wish to add new questions, register at the Open Trivia DB and add as many as you want. (Please note that I am not affiliated with this site, and I have no control over the time it takes for question approval)