YADI (Yet Another DLMS implementation) is a library for communication with metering devices using the DLMS standard. Check the wiki for code examples!
* Application layer (COSEM) decoupled from link layer
* HDLC and Wrapper as link layer protocols
* MODE-E connection
* PUBLIC/LLS/HLS authentication association
* Long name referencing
* Serial and TCP implementations provided
* jSSC
Java version 1.8
Optimized Emode connection
Added support for short name read and write Fixed bugs in WrapperLinkLayer
Added DlmsItem and DlmsParser
Updated Java version and necessary plugins
Uses jSerialComm as serial communication due to incompability of jSSC and Windows 10
Revert back to jSSC dependency for serial port.
Added Get-Request-With-Block support. Added Set-Request-With-Block support. Modified serial dependency lib to jSerialComm.
Added tests Solved bugs related to HDLC addressing
Improved the documentation (javadoc) in the source code
First released version.