This repository contains my current vim config with all plugins that i love to use. Every plugin is included as a submodule for easy updating.
For a detailed description of each plugin I would recommend their own git repository.
git clone --recursive ~/.vim
cd && ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc
Updating all bundles at once is easy. Just enter the following command
whitin your .vim/
git submodule foreach git pull origin master && git submodule update
Sometimes after cloning my current vimconfig you might get some error while commiting.
It seems that vim doens't exit clean. So look where your vim is located
with which vim
. In my case git config --global core.editor /usr/bin/vim
fixed the
- abolish
- coffee-script
- colors-solarized
- Emmet
- endwise
- fugitive
- Gist
- gundo
- jshint
- LaTeX-Box
- NerdTree
- obsession
- surround
- SnipMate
- supertab
- Webapi
- typoscript syntax highlighting
That's it, happy coding.