pgRouting 2.5.4 Release Notes
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.4 on Github.
Bug fixes
Fixes server crash on several functions.
- pgr_floydWarshall
- pgr_johnson
- pgr_astar
- pgr_bdAstar
- pgr_bdDijstra
- pgr_alphashape
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_dijkstraCost
- pgr_drivingDistance
- pgr_KSP
- pgr_dijkstraVia (proposed)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (proposed)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths (proposed)
- pgr_edmondsKarp (proposed)
- pgr_maxCardinalityMatch (proposed)
- pgr_maxFlow (proposed)
- pgr_withPoints (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCost (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsKSP (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsDD (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix (proposed)
- pgr_contractGraph (experimental)
- pgr_pushRelabel (experimental)
- pgr_vrpOneDepot (experimental)
- pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw (experimental)
- Fixes for deprecated functions where also applied but not tested
Removed compilation warning for g++8
Fixed a fallthrugh on Astar and bdAstar.
Note the pgrouting-2.5.4.zip and thepgrouting-2.5.4.tar.gz` are of the source code