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Gavin Douglas edited this page May 3, 2018 · 44 revisions

Below is a brief overview of the PICRUSt2 workflow, which includes example commands for processing 16S sequencing data and getting E.C. number abundances. See the side-bar for more details on individual commands. This workflow is still being developed and will be improved and updated soon!

Note that you can type the option -h to get a description of each below script. Note that the below command

1. Place study sequences into reference phylogeny (details) -s STUDY_SEQs.fna -o OUTPUT.tre --threads 10

2. Run hidden-state prediction to get 16S copy numbers and E.C. number abundances per predicted genome (details) -i 16S -t OUTPUT.tre -o 16S_predicted -p 10 -i EC -t OUTPUT.tre -o EC_predicted -p 10

3. Predict gene family abundances in sequencing samples (adjusts gene family abundances by 16S sequence abundance) (details) -i study_seqs.biom -c 16S_predicted.tsv -f ec_predicted.tsv --tsv -o OUT_PREFIX

4. Infer pathway abundances (details) -i OUT_PREFIX.genefamilies.biom \
               -m /path/to/picrust/MinPath/ec2metacyc_picrust_prokaryotic.txt \
               -o Pathway_abundances.tsv \
               --out_dir minpath_working \