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Henrique Santana edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 7 revisions

YGOFabrica logo

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Welcome to the YGOFabrica Wiki! YGOFabrica is an open source command line tool written in Lua, using LuaJIT, to help Yu-Gi-Oh! card makers for the EDOPro game. It helps the process of managing extension packs: copying files to the game folder, adding cards to the extension database, generating card pics, etc.

The name of the project is based on the initials of Yu-Gi-Oh! plus the Portuguese word for factory, fábrica, pronounced "FAH-bree-kah". From Brazil, with love 💚.

Special thanks to the following artists, since card pic generation was only made possible thanks to their work:

Do you want to try out YGOFabrica right now? Head over to the installation instructions!

Have you installed YGOFabrica and don't know what to do? Head over to usage instructions!