This a project starter kit for web developers who want to get into native app development quickly and get a solid project structure right out of the gate.
The kit has basic implementation of server-side state handling using react-query, unit and e2e testing, navigation, push notifications and more.
There's a sample TODO list app pre-built out of the box to demonstrate how everything works together.
- Eslint
- Prettier
- TypeScript
- React Query
- i18n Translations
- React navigation and routing
- Jest unit tests
- Dark/light theme
- Expo Push notifications
- JSON Server Mock API
- Node & npm
- Android studio
- Make sure your system supports virtualization
- Android emulator
- Ngrok
Install dependancies
npm i
Start dev server
npm start
Open android emulator by clicking 'a' in the console
Start ngrok proxy for JSON API
ngrok http 3000
Start mock-api
npm run mock-api
Open http://localhost:19002/ Click on run in web browser
Start cypress
npm run e2e-test
To run cypress without UI
npm run e2e-test:silent
Start jest
npm run unit-test