Light python framework for AWS SWF
Caravan is being used at Ludia for projects like marketing campaign system and on-demand distributed processing systems (thanks to hundreds of Lambda functions).
Feedbacks, ideas and contributions are highly welcomed. (Just open a Github issue).
- Code on Github
- PyPi
- Tests
- Doc:
Similar projects exists (like Simpleflow which seems mature). Here is where Caravan differs from existing projects:
- Support of AWS Lambda tasks
- Boto3
- Bring your own workflow framework (standard implementations as contribs)
- No coupling between Decider code and Activity code
- Paster compatible config file
- Decider worker
- Activity task worker
- Commands to start/signal/terminate an arbitrary workflow execution
- Command to list open workflow execution
- Command to register a domain / list domains
Caravan uses Boto3 to connect to AWS. See Boto 3 configuration guide for the complete documentation.
On AWS EC2, the metadata provider only provides the credentials, the must be provided by configuration.
- The access key for your AWS account.
- The secret key for your AWS account.
- The default region to use, e.g. us-east-1.
- The default credential and configuration profile to use, if any.
The credentials file is located at ~/.aws/credentials
[default] # The access key for your AWS account aws_access_key_id=<YOUR ACCESS KEY ID> # The secret key for your AWS account aws_secret_access_key=<YOUR SECRET KEY>
The settings file is located at ~/.aws/config
[default] # The default region when making requests region=<REGION NAME>
It also supports profiles:
[profile dev-profile] # The default region when using the dev-profile account region=<REGION NAME>
Setup a SWF domain to run this example:
$ caravan-domain-register -n CaravanDemo --retention-days 1
Write a workflow type (see full demo)
from caravan import Workflow
class Demo(Workflow):
"""Noop workflow using the bare caravan API."""
name = 'Demo'
version = '0.1'
default_execution_start_to_close_timeout = '600'
default_task_start_to_close_timeout = '10'
def run(self):
Run the decider with the Demo workflow:
$ caravan-decider -d CaravanDemo -m caravan.examples.demo -t default --verbose
Start an execution of the Demo workflow:
$ caravan-start -d CaravanDemo -n Demo -v 0.1 -i 1 (The Demo workflow will wait for 5 minutes)
List the executions:
$ caravan-list -d CaravanDemo $ caravan-list -d CaravanDemo --oldest 2015-01-01
Send a signal to an execution:
$ caravan-signal -d CaravanDemo -i 1 -s PRINT --input 'Hello World!' $ caravan-signal -d CaravanDemo -i 1 -s PRINT --input 'Lorem ipsum' $ caravan-signal -d CaravanDemo -i 1 -s STOP
Terminate an execution:
$ caravan-terminate -d CaravanDemo -i 1
- Simpleflow:
- Flowy:
- Garcon:
- AWS Flow:
Possibly use virtualenvwrapper to manage your virtualenvs.
$ mkvirtualenv caravan
$ virtualenv caravan
Clone and install development dependencies:
(caravan)$ git clone [email protected]:pior/caravan.git (caravan)$ cd caravan (caravan)$ pip install -e .[dev]
Run tests:
(caravan)$ nosetests
The release process use zest.releaser:
$ fullrelease
MIT licensed. See the bundled LICENSE file for more details