Releases: pipecraft2/pipecraft
Releases · pipecraft2/pipecraft
- major updates in the front-end (GUI); individual tools on the right, pipelines on left.
- added debugging mode and improved log info
- added NextITS pipeline for PacBio ITS sequences (not available for MacOS release)
- added ORFfinder + HMM bsed pseudogene/off-targets filtering for protein coding genes
- added RDP classifier
- added DADA2 pipeline for PacBio data
- added DADA2 pipeline for paired-end mixed oriented amplicons (fwd_orient and rev_orient are denoised separately and then merged)
- all features will get sha1 ID
- added ASVs to OTUs module (cluster ASVs into OTUs with vsearch)
- added tag-jumps filtering module (UNCROSS2)