In general: [-n|-f|-a] [-u USER] [-t TIME] [-wd NUM] [--all]
# STEP 1
# praha/zastupitele # create a local report template for all team members for last month
# 3 # create a local report template for user number 3 on redmine for last month
# 3 2015-08 # -||- for month 2015-08
# STEP 2
# review the summary file and fill in the data to the common table of the team (rewards)
# STEP 3
# submit # fill in the common table data to the local reports, send them to the github server
# # generate an accounting data lines and submit them to the server, generate a redmine task for the
# # superior to pay the requested amounts
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo -H pip3 install pandas czech_holidays tabulate termcolor trans wget gsheets pygithub
Postupuji dle
Udělat nový OAuth 2.0 certifikát, uložit ho jako client_id.json do adresáře Aktivovat Google Sheets API v developers konzoli
- get a list of users from payrol
- apply to all users, download big chunk of data for the given month
- apply to one user, find his reward_model and its parameters
- calculate all the variables
- if the file for the
- graph data
- create local report template
- create the summary for all users
- send all the team members an e-mail reminder of the meeting and tasks due
- review the team report and fill in the data to the file ''
- generate an accounting data lines (open data)
- send the created data to remote git server
- generate a redmine task for the superior to pay the requested amounts
Other tasks
- integration into byro
Author: Jakub Michálek, Česká pirátská strana License: GNU GPL v3
It should be simple enough for users to make minimum mistakes -> no refunds are the basic
Who wants to see how the hours spent for non paid, can use "neproplácet" refund (not expected)
Everybody can be asked to help in a different team on a task of his expertise and is expected to do so, provided that the team leaders agree on conditions
The ambition is to use this in the whole Czech Pirate Party for people who are rewarded on a monthly basis. For this purpose we have to contact the following teams:
- The deputies of Prague Assembly (Jakub)
- The Prague Chamber (Ondra)
- The department for medias (Mikuláš)
- The presidium (Jakub/Vojta)
- The personal department (Jan Novák)
- The newly elected regional assemblies (Jakub)