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Add manifest

Add manifest #2

Workflow file for this run

name: Check for updates
# This workflow checks for updates to the Lean toolchain or Lake manifest and takes appropriate actions.
# It will:
# - Run `lake update` to check for updates.
# - Attempt to build the Lean project if updates are found.
# - Open a Pull Request (PR) if the build is successful.
# - Open an issue if the build fails.
# - Do nothing if no updates are found.
# schedule:
# - cron: "0 11 * * 4" # Run the workflow every Wednesday at 11:00 UTC
branches: ["workflows/update"] # Trigger the workflow on pushes to the "main" branch (replace "main" with your default branch if different)
workflow_dispatch: # Allow manual triggering of the workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Use the latest Ubuntu environment for the job
issues: write # Permission to create issues
pull-requests: write # Permission to create pull requests
contents: write # Permission to push changes
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Check out the repository code to the GitHub runner
- name: Install elan
run: |
# Install elan, the Lean toolchain manager, for managing Lean versions
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
# Add elan to the system PATH so it's available in subsequent steps
echo "$HOME/.elan/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: Update
run: lake update # Run 'lake update' to check for updates in the Lean toolchain or Lake manifest
- name: Check if anything was updated
uses: tj-actions/verify-changed-files@v20 # Verify if any files were changed by the update
id: check-update
files: |
lean-toolchain # Check for changes in the Lean toolchain configuration
lake-manifest.json # Check for changes in the Lake manifest file
- name: Try to build lean if something was updated
if: steps.check-update.outputs.files_changed == 'true' # Only run this step if updates were detected
id: build-lean
continue-on-error: true # Continue the workflow even if the build fails
run: |
lake exe cache get || true # Attempt to retrieve cached build artifacts, continue if it fails
lake build # Attempt to build the Lean project using Lake
- name: Run step only if nothing was updated
if: steps.check-update.outputs.files_changed == 'false' # Only run if no updates were detected
run: |
echo "No update available" # Output a message indicating no updates were found
echo "outcome=no-update" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # Set the outcome environment variable to 'no-update'
- name: Run step only if the updated lean build was successful
id: step
if: == 'success' # Only run if the build was successful
run: |
echo "Update available and build successful" # Output a message indicating the update was successful
echo "outcome=update-success" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # Set the outcome environment variable to 'update-success'
- name: Open PR if the updated lean build was successful
if: == 'success' # Only run if the build was successful
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v6 # Create a pull request with the updated files
title: "Updates available and ready to merge." # Title of the PR
body: |
The following files have been updated:
- lean-toolchain
- lake-manifest.json
The build was successful, and this PR is ready to be merged.
delete-branch: true # Automatically delete the branch after the PR is merged
branch-suffix: random # Use a random suffix for the branch name to avoid conflicts
branch: auto-update/patch # The branch name for the PR
- name: Open issue if the updated lean build fails
if: == 'failure' # Only run if the build failed
run: |
echo "outcome=update-fail" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # Set the outcome environment variable to 'update-fail'
gh issue create \
--title "$TITLE" \
--label "$LABELS" \
--body "$BODY"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # GitHub token for authentication to create the issue
GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }} # The repository in which to create the issue
TITLE: "Updates available but manual intervention required" # Title of the issue
LABELS: "bug, needs-attention" # Labels to categorize the issue
The automatic update process detected changes and attempted to build Lean, but the build failed.
Please run `lake update` and investigate the following files:
${{ steps.check-update.outputs.changed_files }}
This issue will remain open until the build is fixed and the update can be successfully merged.
Ensure to close this issue once resolved to avoid duplicate issues. # Detailed issue body explaining the problem and next steps
- name: Show the outcome
run: |
echo "Outcome of the update process: ${{ env.outcome }}" # Display the outcome of the update process
# This step shows the final outcome, whether no updates, a successful update, or a failed update occurred