Use MysqlMirror to mirror data between databases. This can be useful when you want to update your development or staging environments with real data to work with. Or, if you do some heavy lifting calculations on another server, you might want to use a seperate database on another host, etc.
Mirror Across Hosts: performs a mysql_dump to an sql file, then imports file to target host
Mirror Same Host: uses CREATE TABLE ( SELECT … ) style for mirroring. Much faster than mysql_dump
Note: ALL information will be lost in the tables mirrored to the Target Database
Active Record
Basic usage, copy production db to development
@m ={ :source => :production, :target => :development })
Choose what tables you want to bring over and how you want to scope them…
@m ={ :source => :production, :target => :development, :tables => [:users, :widgets], :where => {:users => "is_admin NOT NULL"}, })
Database information not in your database.yml file? (Or Not Running Rails?) No Problem!
@m ={ :source => { :database => "app_production", :user => ..., :password => ..., :hostname => ...}, :target => {:database => "app_development", :hostname => 'localhost'} })
Want to use everything in :production environment (user, pass, host) but need to change the database?
@m ={ :source => :production, :override => {:source => {:database => "heavy_calculations_database"}}, :target => :production })