I'm an Engineering Lead at LexisNexis Risk Solutions working in Data Services for our I.C.I.S brand covering the commodities and chemicals industry. With a passion for technology and a background in software development, I thrive in creating innovative solutions and leading teams towards success.
- 🌍 Location: London, UK
- 🐱 Pet: Bengal cat
- 🎮 Hobbies: Gaming, Programming
- 📚 Interests: Star Wars, Sci-fi, Computers, Nature, Podcasts
- 💻 Programming: C#, Python, Go
- 🔧 Tools: Jetbrains IDEs, DevToys, VSCode, 1Password, Windows Terminal, Loop, Dagger
- 📃 Tech Radar: Gist List
I am proud to have contributed to the development of the HPCC Systems ECL Syntax in Visual Studio Code with Syntax tokenizer, hotkey extensions and snippets. HPCC is a LexisNexis Risk®️ technology used in LexisNexis Data Centers for High Performance Computing Clusters.
My efforts were highlighted in an article by HPCC Systems:
Additionally, I have made contributions to other projects:
- Dagger & Dagger .NET SDK
- NBuilder - Added NextString Feature and Code Cleanup
- Heroes Profile .StormReplay Uploader
- Microsoft Ajax - TypeScript NPM Module
- SWTOR Caster - A tool used by content creators in the MMORPG Community for Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO
- Squidex - Headless CMS
- Finding and Reporting how to fix a Critical Vulnerability in EAs SWTOR Launcher ... The reward? $10 Tshirt 💀
- Microsoft Kiota - OpenAPI Code Generator
- Dota2 Timer Tracker - Avalonia UI/.NET
- SWTOR Caster - Content creator tool for SWTOR MMORPG
- Heroes of the Storm - Hero category relationships
I developed an automated replay spectator project for Heroes of the Storm, which streamed on Twitch 24/7 with Twitch Chat integration. This project utilized several technologies to ensure seamless operation and interaction:
- AWS S3 for storing and retrieving replay files
- Twitch API for integrating chat functionalities and stream control
- Heroes Profile API for fetching game statistics and player data
- Native Windows OCR for coordinating hero selection during streams
Code can be found at Heroes Replay
This project was streamed on the SaltySadism Twitch channel, providing an interactive and continuous viewing experience for the community.
Feel free to check out my repositories and connect with me for collaborations or just to say hi!
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler