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Optimization for designing mitigations protocols for Covid-19


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Robot Dance


The code is passing through a clean up after the submission of the manuscripts.

In order to reproduce the manuscripts experiments you should download the respective tag:

  • m1.X: For the manuscript on using optimization techniques to design distancing profiles under a multiregion setting. To reproduce the experiments, run the manuscript_experiments.ipynb notebook.

  • m2.X: For the new version of the code that incorporate testing. To reproduce the experiments, run the test_control_test.ipynb notebook.

It should possible to run the test once you add the dependencies (see below).

This repository contains the code used in the manuscript Robot Dance: a mathematical optimization platform for intervention against Covid-19 in a complex network.

The idea is to sue control and optimization to design efficient alternate mitigation strategies for Covid-19 and other infectious diseases. It uses an adapted SEIR model that takes into account the mobility between different cities. The objective is to design a protocols that controls the number of infected to a maximum level while alternating between more stringent and more light mitigation and between cities (or regions), so that the State or country does not close all at once.

The code up to now should work for a few cities (or regions), a couple of tens. We have some ideas to make it scale to the hundreds.

Installing dependencies

This code is written in Julia and Python, so you need both installed. To install Julia you should go to its website, select download and follow instructions. After installing Julia you need to use its package manager and install the JuMP and Ipopt packages.

To get good performance out of Ipopt, it is very important to use a high performance linear solver. The default free solver, mumps works well for 10 cities or so. If you want to solve larger problems with tens of cities you will need to compile Ipopt with support to HSL linear solvers. Robot dance uses MA97 in the code whenever available. I have also prepared a little document describing how to compile Ipopt with HSL under Ubuntu.

There are many ways to install Python. I use Anaconda. By installing Anaconda you get a comprehensive and updated Python environment with packages the code use like numpy, scipy , and matplotlib.

After that install PyJulia.

Running and input files

To run the basic model described in the report on a problem instance run the Python code This code expects the input files to be located in the data sub-directory. It expects 4 input files in the subfolder data:

  • basic_paramters.csv: simple CSV file with basic parameters, one per line in the format <parameter name>, <paramter values>. The parameters are:

    • tinc: Incubation time for the SEIR Model (default 5.2).
    • tinf: Infected time for SEIR model (default 2.9).
    • rep: reproduction rate of the virus without mitigation (default 2.5).
    • time_icu: mean time a patient spend in ICU.
    • need_icu: ratio of inffected that need ICU care.
    • alternate: controls the ammount of alternation (default 1.0).
    • ndays: number of days to be considered in the simulation.
    • window: number of days to keep the mitigation level constant.
    • min_level: what is the r0 attainable using the most demanding mitigation.
    • delta_rt_max: (optional) if this parameter is provided, ramp constraints will be added to the model, preventing rt to increase more than delta_rt_max between two consecutive periods (delta_rt_max > 0).
  • cities_data.csv: basic cities data in CSV format. It must contain one line per city, with the city name as index and the following named columns:

    • S1: initial value for the S variable in the SEIR model.
    • E1: initial value for the E variable in the SEIR model.
    • I1: initial value for the I variable in the SEIR model.
    • R1: initial value for the R variable in the SEIR model.
    • population: population of the city.

    Alternatively to this file, the user can make available the information with the (accumulated) number of infected to estimate the initial data S1, E1, I1, R1. This file should be named pre_cities_data.csv with columns labeled:

    • city: the city name.
    • state: the state code if you want to select by state (or a neutral string).
    • date: a date where the accumulated infected was measured, they have to be made daily from the start of the data for city up to a final common day.
    • confirmed: the accumulated number of confirmed cases.
    • estimated_population_2019: contains the estimated population of the city (the same number repeated). The file can have other columns, but only those will be used by the program.
  • mobility_matrix.csv: the mobility matrix, with labels and index using the cities names. The cities must be the same cities that appear in cities_data.csv and in the same order. The position (i, j) of the matrix must contain the ratio of the population of city i that goes to city j, with the ratio computed with respect to the population of the target city j. The diagonal must be 0. Moreover, it there must be an extra, last, column labeled out that should contain the ration of the the total population of city at line i that leaves the city to work during the day. This ratio should be computed with respect to the population of i, the origin. If the file does not exist, the matrix is assumed to be 0 everywhere.

  • target.csv: a matrix with the maximal amount of infected that is acceptable for each cities (as rows) at each day (as columns). The city names should be used as index and consecutive numbers from 1 to ndaysas column labels.

  • hammer_data.csv: (optional) hammer to be applied in the first days/weeks, if necessary. If this file is provided, the algorithm will check if the hammer phase is long enough for each city; finding that it is not, it will increase the duration by one window and check again, until no city violate the target of number of infected after the hammer phase. It must contain one line per city, with the city name as index and the following named columns:

    • duration: minimum duration of hammer for the city, in days.
    • level: level (r0) to be applied during the hammer phase. If this file is not provided, default data will be used: duration = 0, level=0.89 and the iterative check above will be performed.

After you have all the files in place with the right names, you can run the code with python the result will be made available in a file named results/cmd_res.csv. It has the simulated values for the SEIR variables and the target reproducible number at each day, labeled rt, for each city. You can also find two pictures that help you quicly visualize the curves results/cmd_i_res.png and results/cmd_rt_new.png.

TODO: Add files to describe how desirable is to alternate between any pair of cities (I am using the minimum of the squared populations right now) and to turn off alternation after the epidemic is controlled by herd immunity in a city, if necessary.

Computational resources.

The code uses a highly parallel optimization solver to run a large scale optimization problem, named Ipopt, which is installed as a Julia package. This demands a good computer. A problem with more than 10-20 cities/regions the solver may face difficulties and stall. In order to avoid this you may need to install Ipopt with HSL. HSL is free for research. Please look at these instructions of how to compile Ipopt if needed. Also long time horizons (like the 400 days simulations we did in he report) are very demanding. The code is not ready to run on a cluster. We will try to continuously improve the code in order to overcome these limitations.


Copyright Paulo J. S. Silva, Luis Gustavo Nonato, and Marcelo Córdova. See the license file.


This research is supported by CeMEAI/FAPESP, Instituto Serrapilheira, and CNPq.

Please Cite Us

We provide this code hoping that it will be useful for others. Please if you use it, let us know about you experiences. Moreover, if you use this code in any publication, please cite us. This is very important. For the moment we only have the manuscript, so cite it as

Nonato, L. G; Peixoto, P.; Pereira, T.; Sagastizabal, C.; Silva, P. J. S. "Robot Dance: a mathematical optimization platform for intervention against Covid-19 in a complex network". Optimization Online, 2020.


Optimization for designing mitigations protocols for Covid-19







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