- Download the docker image from https://luminus.nus.edu.sg/download/7acc0733-0ec2-4844-8c14-6b121aa0ec5c?name=docker_base_image.tar
- Launch the Docker application
- Launch powershell (for Windows) or terminal (for Mac) inside the directory with the downloaded image file, and import the image as follows
docker load -i docker_base_image.tar
- For Windows, launch a container from this image using
docker run -p --name tutorial3 -dit it5007_tutorial:t3 bash
- For Mac, use the following command with the extra '--platform linux/amd64' flag
docker run -p --platform linux/amd64 --name tutorial3 -dit it5007_tutorial:t3 bash
- Download the skeleton code for the tutorial, using ONE of the following methods:
- Using Git Clone:
- Attach shell to container on VSCode.
cd /home
- $
git clone https://github.com/pkarthik88/IT5007 it5007
- Using Manual Download:
- Manually download code from Github repository (https://github.com/pkarthik88/IT5007-Tutorial-3/) as a zip file.
- Copy the files over from your laptop to the tutorial3 docker container using the powershell command:
docker cp <path where the skeleton code is available> tutorial3:/home/it5007/
- Using Git Clone:
- Attach shell to the container on VSCode and work on your tutorial from /home/it5007/
cd /home/it5007/
- Once you are done with the changes to the code base, add node_modules to .gitignore, but ensure package.json reflects all packages you installed additionally.
- Make sure you commit your changes to the repository using the command:
- $
git commit -am "answer to T3"
- $
- Push the code to your PRIVATE github repository.
- For this, create a private (empty) repository with Github or Bitbucket using their website. These websites usually ask if you want to add README or .gitignore files. DO NOT add these. Get a (https) link to the repository once created.
- Navigate to /home/it5007.
- Run the following command: $
git remote add myrepository <https link to your git repository>
- To push the changes:
- When pushing a change to remote repository, you will be asked for your github username and password. Recently, github has replaced passwords with personal access tokens. To generate a personal access token, follow the instructions in this link: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token.
- $
git push myrepository
- If you are coding in a branch use the following command instead: $
git push -u myrepository <mybranchname>
- For the submission, create a file with the following contents:
- Share your private repository with the instructors and TAs. Github IDs: pkarthik88, aar809, ajayago, ukcw. Instructions on how to add collaborators: https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/setting-up-and-managing-your-personal-account-on-github/managing-access-to-your-personal-repositories/inviting-collaborators-to-a-personal-repository.
- Github repo link and branch name.
- Steps to set up your application after cloning/downloading the repository (including steps to add more packages if needed)
- How to launch your application
- mention all features you have implemented.