Experiment to implement DS/Crypt combat logic as a SNARK so that processing of the current state can be performed off-chain and verification of the current health of dungeons and seekers can be performed on-chain.
You will need:
The bulk of the combat loop is in combat.circom
The test at contracts/tests/e2e.ts
is the best place to walk through the
process of how the client/contract/circuit all interact.
To build the circuit and execute the unit tests (snarkjs/foundry) and the e2e tests (hardhat)
make test
There is a very basic web frontend to show how it might work in a browser. To build and run the frontend you will need to setup a local evm node configured for an "interval mining" mode of ~10s:
anvil --block-time 10
Then you can deploy the contracts to it:
make deploy
Then you can start the frontend:
cd frontend
npm start
The rules of combat are very simple as the focus of this example is the general pattern rather than the combat itself.
- a Battle is a fixed number (NUM_SEEKERS) of allies (Seekers) vs a single enemy (Dungeon)
- a Battle has a start time (block number)
- a Battle lasts for a fixed number "Ticks" (we define 1 tick == 1 block)
- at the start of a Battle the Dungeon has armour=100 and health=100
- a Dungeon has an attack, armour, and health Alignment
- a Seeker has an attack, armour, and health Alignment
- the alignments between [seeker|dungeon] attack vs [seeker|dungeon] [health|armour] affects the damage inflicted during attack.
- Seekers can choose to ENTER a Battle
- at ENTER the seeker has armour=100 and health=100
- each Tick the dungeon does some damage to each Seeker's armour (or health if armour == 0).
- each Tick each Seeker does some damage to the Dungeon's armour (or health if armour == 0).
- if the Dungeon's armour gets below 30 then any seeker's with health > 0 can claim a Rune
- if a Dungeon's health drops to 0 it will no longer inflict damage
- if a Seeker's health drops to 0 it will no longer inflict damage
- if a player owns a Rune they can choose to EQUIP it during battle to change how their attacks perform
The design is based around players commiting actions (JOIN/EQUIP) on-chain (contract-side), then computing the state of the participants armour/health values off-chain (client-side). If the conditions of the state calculated client-side meet the requirements to claim a prize (Rune), the the player can submit a proof that the health values have met the critiera to the contract to mint/claim their Rune.
participant Player as Client
participant Contract as Chain
Note left of Player: t=1
Player->>Contract: sendAction(JOIN, SEEKERID)
Contract->>Contract: record hash of action on-chain storage
Contract->>Contract: emit action data in event/log
Contract->>Player: OK
loop Every tick
Note left of Player: t=2...N
Player->>Contract: fetch action data for all seekers from events
Contract->>Player: [seeker1 joined at t=1, ...]
Player->>Player: transform the events into circuit inputs
Player->>Player: execute circuit/prove to compute health values at t=N
Player->>Player: build the current state to display to user
Note left of Player: t=N
Player->>Player: check if health values meet criteria to claim Rune
Player->>Contract: claimRune(HEALTH_STATE, PROOF)
Contract->>Contract: verify proof is valid
Contract->>Contract: verify that the health state meets criteria to claim a rune
Contract->>Contract: mint Rune for player
Contract->>Player: OK