Collection Ansible playbooks for operational tasks across multiple Openstack installations. They are intended to run from within a Docker container on either local notebook or on a central management host like Jenkins or so.
Currently implemented playbooks:
- compute node restarts (still beta)
- acpi module activation
- Check for correctness of metadata agents across all compute nodes
Create a container with the required tool stack.
docker build -t osism-opstools .
openstack user create --description "osism-opstools admin" --domain default \
--project service --password .......... --email .......... osism-opstools-admin
openstack role add --user osism-opstools-admin --project service admin
opestack project create service
openstack network create --project service service-testing
openstack subnet create --project service --network service-testing --subnet-range service-testing-subnet
# You may want to use dragon's key. This will not upload the private key rather than create a pub-key and upload that
openstack keypair create --user osism-opstools-admin --private-key /tmp/ssh_id --type ssh service-testing-dragon
Example /tmp/admin.rc:
Upload to Vault:
cat /tmp/admin.rc | vault write openstack/manage-openstack/some_region env=-
- get operators key from Ansible-Vault (ansible-vault view OSISM_CONFIG_REPO/region/environments/secrets.yml)
- store it to /tmp/id_rsa
cat /tmp/id_rsa | vault write openstack/some_region/dragon_id_rsa data=-
Setup environment to operate on the desired region
> osism.env
echo VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat $HOME/.vault-token) >> osism.env
echo REGION_NAME=someregion >> osism.env
- VAULT_TOKEN is needed for the container to download SSH-Key and admin.rc file.
- REGION_NAME is the target region and used to compute VAULT's lookup path and determine inventory file
Create a handy docker-run shortcut:
alias osism-opstool-cmd="docker run -it --rm --env-file osism.env -v $(pwd):/workspace -w /workspace --entrypoint=/workspace/ osism-opstools"
The following code will restart compute1 in $REGION_NAME:
osism-opstools-cmd ansible-playbook -i inventories/$REGION_NAME restart-compute.yml -l compute1
The following code will configure ACPI kernel modules correctly for all HP proliant hosts in $REGION_NAME:
osism-opstools-cmd ansible-playbook -i inventories/$REGION_NAME acpi.yml
The following code will check metadata agents in $REGION_NAME:
osism-opstools-cmd ansible-playbook -i inventories/$REGION_NAME playbook-start-check-delete-vm.yml
osism-opstools-cmd ansible -i inventories/$REGION_NAME all -a "docker ps -a" -l compute1