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This is PNL, a library for scientific computing. PNL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

PNL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


Binary releases for Windows

Binary releases are compatible with Visual C++. If you downloaded a binary release, just unzip the package and go to Section Using the library with Visual Studio.

Compiling the library

To compile PNL, you need CMake version >= 3.0. Get CMake.

Before compiling the library, users should bear in mind that

  • Linear Algebra routines mainly rely on Blas & Lapack. If these two libraries are not found on the machine, the versions shipped with PNL are used. For a better performance, one should consider using Atlas under Linux.
  • When an MPI library is detected on the computer, some MPI bindings are compiled within the library to enable the direct manipulation of PnlObjects.

To actually compile the library, just use CMake.

Under Unix

mkdir build
cd  build
cmake /relative/path/to/pnl
make install

The make install command installs

  • the header files to <prefix>/include
  • the library to <prefix>/lib
  • the CMake config file PnlConfig.cmake to <prefix>/lib/cmake/pnl
  • the CMakeuser.incl file to <prefix>/share/pnl (see below)

The default value for prefix is the current build directory, but it can be changed by calling cmake as

cmake -DPNL_INSTALL_PREFIX=some/new/prefix /relative/path/to/pnl

Some useful variables to modify the behavior of cmake.

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release/Debug. Default is Debug. Choose Debug for building a development release without optimization and with debugging symbols. Choose Release for building an optimized version.

  • -DPNL_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>. Directory where to install the library. Default is to use the building directory as the installation prefix.

  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON/OFF. Default is ON. If ON, PNL is built as a shared library and if OFF as a static library.

  • -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=<path>. Full path to a Lapack library (not just its directory). Lapack is detected automatically but the user can specify a particular library.

  • -DBLAS_LIBRARIES=<path>. Full path to a Blas library (not just its directory). Blas is detected automatically but the user can specify a particular library. Note that you must specify both BLAS_LIBRARIES and LAPACK_LIBRARIES or none of them.

  • -DWITH_MPI=ON/OFF. Default is ON. If ON, build the MPI bindings.

  • -DPNL_ENABLE_TESTS=ON/OFF. Default is ON. If OFF, no test is compiled nor registered for running with ctest. This is intended to be used when PNL is included as a sub project instead of being compiled as an external library. In such a case, the typical usage is

    set(PNL_ENABLE_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable PNL test.")
    # Define some targets
    # For every target, add
    target_link_libraries(my_target pnl)
    # On Windows, to ensure all the dll's are copied next to the executable 
    # (on other platforms, pnl_add_postbuild does nothing).

Under Windows

Use CMake to create the Visual C++ solution for the library. Once done, open the solution in Visual C++ and be sure to call generate for both the ALL_BUILD and INSTALL projects.

See the Unix section for the description of useful variables to modify CMake's behaviour.

The generation of the INSTALL project takes care of installing the headers and the library files (.lib and .dll) in the build-dir you have specified in CMake (ie. the directory containing the Visual C++ solution).

Getting the documentation

If you have cloned the git repository, you need to compile the documentation yourself by going to the directory man and

  • for the pdf version, run make (you need a LaTeX compiler).
  • for the html version, run make html (you need tex4ht).

The directory examples, which is actually used for non regression tests, contains usage examples for all the functionalities provided by the library.

Using the library

With CMake

In your regular CMakeLists.txt, add

find_package(Pnl REQUIRED)
# Deactivate PNL debugging stuff on Release builds

# For Windows only. To make sure all the required dll's are copied
# next to every executable, add the following instruction where
# <my_exec> is a target defined by add_executable.

Note the instruction pnl_add_postbuild, which takes care of post build instructions when creating Visual Studio solutions from CMake. It basically copies all the required .dll to the directory containing the executable.

To build your project, call CMake with the following extra flag

-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path/to/pnl/install or path/to/pnl/build

A complete though basic CMakeLists.txt is available there.

With a Makefile

You can use PNL in your own codes by creating Makefile containing

## Extra linker flags. Can be empty

## Extra compiler flags. Can be empty.

## list of executables to create

## For each executable, create the variables
pipo_SRC= list_of_source_files

## This line must be the last one
include <prefix>/share/pnl/CMakeuser.incl

The CMakeuser.incl file can also be found in the root of the build directory.

See Section 1.3.1 of the manual for more details on the syntax of this Makefile.

With Visual Studio

If you want to use the previously compiled library in a new Visual C++ project without using CMake, you have to go through the followings steps

  1. Set the configuration of the solution to 64 bits.

     Solution properties -> Configuration
  2. Add pnl/include as an additional include directory

     Project properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
  3. Add pnl/lib as an additional library directory

     Project properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories
  4. Add pnl.lib as a dependency library

     Project properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies
  5. To run your executable, copy all the .dll files from pnl/lib/ to the folder containing the executable.